Upgrading the Cloud Extender core agent

The Cloud Extender® Configuration Tool notifies the administrator if a new Cloud Extender core agent is available for upgrade.

Checking the Cloud Extender core agent version

To check the version of the Cloud Extender core agent that you are using, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the IBM® MaaS360® Portal, and go to Setup > Cloud Extender.
  2. From the Cloud Extender Device View screen, go to the Hardware Inventory section. The version that you are using is listed in the Agent Version section.
    Cloud Extender core agent version

Upgrading the Cloud Extender core agent

You can update the Cloud Extender core agent in the following ways:
  • Download a new core agent installer from the Admin Portal.
  • Directly from the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool using the Upgrade function:
    Note: The upgrade feature is supported from Cloud Extender 2.93 and later.
    1. Run the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool. After the Internet test check finishes, a web service call determines the current GA version of the core agent and the location of the installer download. If a new core Cloud Extender agent is available, a yellow flag is displayed on the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool toolbar:
      Upgrade flag
    2. Click the yellow flag. The Confirm Upgrade message is displayed.
    3. Click Download to download the installation package to a temporary location. When the download is complete, the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool starts the core agent installer and closes the tool.