Configuring the Windows 10+ Bulk Provisioning Tool configuration wizard to create a bulk provisioning tool executable

Follow these steps to configure the Windows 10+ Bulk Provisioning Tool executable with a client management tool (CMT).

About this task

The Bulk Provisioning Tool Configuration wizard is automatically started by the Windows 10+ Bulk Provisioning Tool.


  1. Read the instructions and click Continue.
    Viewing an example of Windows 10 Bulk Provisioning Tool configuration wizard instructions
  2. Provide the username and password for the administrator to authenticate with MaaS360® and then click Next.
    Viewing an example of authentication screen during Bulk Provisioning imaging process
    If authentication is successful, the wizard continues to the next steps.
  3. Configure the following deployment steps and then click Next.
    Viewing an example of deployment steps for imaging process configuration type
    • Choose configuration type: The configuration method that you want to use to configure the Bulk Provisioning Tool. Choose the Export bulk enrollment executable method.
    • Enter end user email address for enrollment: The temporary email address that is used for enrollment when the image is deployed to managed devices.
      Note: You can use the existing or a temporary email address to enroll devices in the MaaS360 portal. All the bulk enrolled devices will be associated with the existing or a temporary email address.
    • (Optional) Enable end user authentication: (Applies to Windows 10+ devices that will be bulk enrolled with unified user authentication) If this setting is enabled by the administrator, allows a user to provide their corporate login credentials to authenticate against one of the following user authentication types: MaaS360, AD/LDAP, Azure, or an identity provider (Okta, PingIdentity, Azure, other third-party providers) to enroll Windows 10+ devices into MaaS360. The user is prompted to enter their corporate credentials to continue with bulk enrollment. If the user dismisses the prompt, the user is prompted again in an hour to authenticate against their corporate credentials before the MDM profile is added to the device.
    • Choose end user computer account: The user account type (account used to log in to the machine) for enrolling managed device:
      • New Local User: Use this option if you are deploying the image or the executable file to a new local machine. The device is enrolled when the new local user is created and the user logs in to the device for the first time. If the user does not have administrative access rights on the machine, the enrollment is not completed.
      • New Domain User: Use this option if you are deploying the image or the executable file to a machine that is connected to the Azure Cloud or to an on-premises Active Directory domain. The device is enrolled when the new domain user is created and the user logs in to the device for the first time. If the user does not have administrative access rights on the machine, the enrollment is not completed.
      • Current User (Logged-in User): Use this option to install the executable on the device that the user is currently logged into. If the user does not have administrative access rights on the machine, the enrollment is not completed.
    • Choose number of devices for enrollment: Select the number of devices that you want to enroll into the IBM® MaaS360 Portal.
      Number of devices Estimated enrollment times
      Less than 10 devices Device enrollment is immediate.
      11 - 100 devices Device enrollment occurs over a period of 10 minutes.
      101 - 500 devices Device enrollment occurs over a period of 30 minutes.
      501 - 1000 devices Device enrollment occurs over a period of an hour.
      More than 1000 devices Device enrollment occurs over a period of 2 hours.
  4. Accept the End User License Agreement for all users that you want to automatically enroll when the image is deployed to devices and then click Next.
  5. Click Finish.
    A self-extractable executable is added on the desktop of the Windows machine.


The Windows 10+ Bulk Provisioning Tool configuration wizard setup is complete and the user is notified that device enrollment will occur over the period of time that was selected in step 3. You can now copy the executable file to the Windows devices that you want to bulk enroll.
Viewing an example of imaging process setup complete screen
Note: It is recommended to assign the enrolled devices that are configured under Enter end user email address for enrollment field to the user account or relevant user accounts as per your requirement in MaaS360 portal. For more information, see Associating users with bulk enrolled Windows 10+ devices.