Enrolling your Android device (MDM)

You can enroll your Android device in the IBM® MaaS360® Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) tool.

Before you begin

You must have the passcode for your Android device.

You must have one of the following items before you can enroll your Android device:
  • IBM MaaS360 email enrollment request
  • IBM MaaS360 text message
  • A specific enrollment URL sent by your organization


  1. Choose one of the following actions to begin the enrollment process:
    • Open a browser on your device and tap the MaaS360 enrollment request URL from your enrollment request notification email or text message.
    • If a QR code is provided in the enrollment request notification, scan the QR code.
  2. On the MaaS360 app installation page, paste the activation URL in the browser and then tap Start.
    The MaaS360 MDM for Android app is displayed in the Google Play Store.
  3. Tap Install.
    The Google Play Store lists the settings on your device that MaaS360 needs to access.
  4. Tap Accept.
    The app installation process downloads the MaaS360 MDM for Android app to your device.
  5. Tap Open when the MaaS360 MDM for Android app installation process is complete.
  6. On the Enter Your Corporate Identifier page, type your email address and tap Continue.
    Note: Your email address must match the email address from the enrollment request notification. Do not edit the Corporate Identifier field.
  7. On the Enter Credentials page, type a passcode or use your corporate credentials.
    Option Description
    1. Type the passcode that is listed in your enrollment request notification.
    2. Select whether the device is personal, owned by the organization, or owned by the organization and shared between several users, and then tap Continue.
    Corporate credentials
    1. Type your corporate credentials (the username and the password that you use to log in to your computer) in the Username and Password fields. The Domain field might be automatically populated.
    2. Select whether the device is personal, owned by the organization, or owned by the organization and shared between several users, and then tap Continue.
    Note: If your organization uses two-factor authentication, you must enter your corporate credentials and the one-time passcode. If your administrator did not specify who owns the device, select the device ownership.
  8. On the Accept Terms page, accept the terms and conditions and tap OK.
    Note: You might have to wait a few minutes before the next screen is displayed.
  9. On the Activate Device Administrator page, tap Activate to allow MaaS360 administrator permissions on your device.
    Note: Depending on the security policy of your organization, you might need to set up a PIN.
    The MaaS360 MDM for Android app is installed on your device when the configuration process is complete.