Configuring the Zero-touch Enrollment in the MaaS360 portal

Before you begin

Before you create Zero-touch Enrollment (ZTE) and connect to the Zero-touch portal, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Enter the Active Directory or MaaS360 user credentials in authentication mode.
  2. Devices must run Android Oreo (8.0) or later, or Pixel phones with Nougat (7.0). For more information, see the compatibility list at!%23Zero-touch.
  3. Devices must be purchased from a reseller partner who transmits IMEI or serial numbers to the Android Zero-touch portal and sets up an enrollment account for your organization.

About this task

To create the ZTE in the MaaS360 portal, you must complete the following procedure.


  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, go to Devices > Enrollments.
  2. Click Other Enrollment Options and select Android > Android Device Enrollment.
  3. In the Android Device Enrollment window, select Zero-touch as the Enrollment Mode.
  4. Click Create to open the Zero-touch Enrollment window and download the JSON file with pre-enrollment settings.
  5. Click Connect to Zero-touch portal to link your Zero-touch account to the MaaS360 portal by using the Zero-touch window. The Zero-touch window helps you to apply the configuration to Zero-touch enabled devices from within the MaaS360 portal. Any devices that are purchased from a reseller in the future are also configured.
    Important: You can continue to use the Zero-touch portal to upload and modify the Zero-touch configurations.


The configuration is successfully applied to the devices.