Editing a text file in the MaaS360 Mobile Document Editor

Follow these steps to edit a text file in the MaaS360® Mobile Document Editor.


  1. Tap the text file in the MaaS360 app container to open that file for editing.
  2. Tap the Pencil icon Pencil icon to start editing the file.
    The following options are displayed in edit mode for the text file:
    Text file options
    Option Description
    1 - Arrow icon Closes the text file.
    2 - Undo icon Undoes your changes in the text file.
    3 - Redo icon Reapplies your changes to the text file.
    4 - Binoculars icon Displays advanced options for the text file.
    5 - Cog icon Displays the Font editor.
    6 - More options icon Saves the text file, searches and replaces text in the file, or displays comments about the file.
  3. Tap the Binoculars icon to display the Find/Replace bar on the main screen.
    Text file Find/Replace bar
  4. Tap the Cog icon to change the font size or text in the file.
    Text file font editor
  5. Tap Finish, and then Save.