Using the Content Library

Before you can distribute a document to users, you must load the document into the MaaS360® Content Library.

The Content Library uses the MaaS360 Content Distribution Network to distribute content to managed devices from the cloud. You can also host and distribute content from a source other than MaaS360.

Accessing the Content Library

To access the Content Library, follow these steps:

  1. From the IBM® MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Docs > Content Library.

    The Content Library lists your files, provides basic information about those files, and displays folders of documents.

  2. Click Open under a folder to display documents or more folders. As you move through the folders, a breadcrumb trail of links is displayed at the top.
  3. Click a column heading to sort and filter files.
  4. Use the following options under each document to manage the document:
    Option Description
    Open (folders only) Displays more folders or documents in the folder.
    Edit Provides details about the document or folder to make changes if necessary.
    Distribute Sends the document or all documents in the folder to one or more devices.
    Delete Deletes the document or folder. If you delete a folder, the documents in the folder are still available in the Doc Catalog.
    Informational icon Displays how many and which devices downloaded the file.