Viewing tokens in the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP)

The Tokens page in the IBM® MaaS360® Portal lists all the tokens that are added by the Add Token workflow for the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP).

Viewing DEP token details

The following details are displayed for a token on the Tokens page.
Table 1. Viewing token details
Token details-column name Description
Token Name Displays the token name.
Number of Devices Displays the number of devices that are associated with the token.
DEP MDM Server Displays the MDM server name that is associated with the DEP token.
Default Profile The default profile that is assigned to the token if no profiles are associated with the token.
Token Updated By Displays the MaaS360® account name who last updated the token details.
Last Updated On Displays the date and time that the token details were last updated.
Expiry Date Displays the date and time that the token is set to expire.
Last Sync Time Displays the time that devices in the token were last synchronized with the server.

You can also sort tokens by ascending or descending order based on token details that are displayed in the Tokens page.

For more information about adding a token, see Adding a token to the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP).

Taking actions on DEP tokens

Choose one of the following actions:
Table 2. Taking actions on tokens
Token action Description
Update Updates the existing token configuration details such as the token file or whether to allow or disallow association of the DEP token with Apple Education. The update token details steps are the same as the steps for adding a token. For more information about adding a DEP token, see Adding a token to the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP).
Edit Updates the token name.
Delete Deletes the token. The deleted token is no longer listed on the Tokens page.

Note: Deleting a token removes all devices and profile assignments. All existing device settings remain active.

  • Refresh: Synchronizes token data and updates the latest details for a token.
  • Unmark default profile: Deletes the default profile that is mapped to the token. This action disables future default profile assignments against this token.
Refresh icon Reloads the Tokens page with updated token details.
Add Token Adds a token to the Tokens page. You can also add a token from Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) > Tokens.