Error scenarios during license assignment

The license management feature allows administrators to assign a license to a device during device enrollment using the Add device workflow. This method supports both the MDM and SPS activation mode for device enrollment. Administrators can also assign or remove a license from a device with the Change license entitlements workflow. The following errors might occur during license assignment when you use these workflows.

Assigning the same license type to a device multiple times

In the Add device and the Change license entitlements workflow, administrators can assign more than one license type to a device. However, if the same license type is selected multiple times, the following error message is an example of what is displayed to the administrator:

Add device error message for duplicate licenses
Change license entitlements

Selecting license type services that are also included in other selected license services

An error message is displayed when the administrator selects multiple license types that contain the same services. For example, an error message is displayed if the Productivity Suite and the Mobile Application Management licenses are selected for license assignment on the device. Since Mobile Application Management license services are also included in Productivity Suite license type, the administrator is notified about services that are duplicated due to the selection of the different license types.

Add device for unique license services
Change license entitlements

Enrolling devices in MDM without MDM base license support

During MDM device enrollment, at least one license bundle that is chosen for assignment on a device must be an MDM base license. An error message is displayed if the MDM base license is not present. For example, an error message is displayed if both the Productivity Suite and the Mobile Threat Management licenses are assigned to an MDM device. Since Productivity Suite is an SPS type of license and Mobile Threat Management is an add-on license, the administrator is notified that the MDM base license is not present.

MDM base license
Base license error

Enrolling SPS devices with an add-on license assignment only

When you assign licenses to a device during SPS enrollment, at least one license type must be an MDM base license or an SPS base license. An error message is displayed if you assign an add-on license only during device enrollment. For example, an error message is displayed if you assign a Mobile Threat Management license during SPS device enrollment. Since the Mobile Threat Management license is an add-on license, the administrator is notified that SPS device activation failed because the MDM base license is not present.

SPS license assignment
SPS error