Configuring compliance rules for devices based on custom attributes

You can configure a compliance rule that uses specific criteria enabled in a custom attribute to immediately trigger a compliance action on a device.

This feature enables seamless integration with threat management platform partners (such as Lookout). These platforms identify the risk level of devices based on malware, apps, and behaviors, and then categorize the risks (low, medium, high) associated with these platforms by using MaaS360® web services to set attributes in MaaS360.

To add and manage custom attributes, select Devices > Device Attributes > Manage Custom Attributes:
Manage Custom Attributes workflow
When you configure Custom Attribute Rules from Security > Compliance Rules, the custom attributes that are added and updated in the Manage Custom Attributes workflow are listed. The Custom Attribute Rules support the following criteria for custom attributes:
Attribute Criteria Value
Enum Equal To, Not Equal To Select a value from the list.
Boolean Equal To Yes, No
Text Contains, Begins With, Does Not Contain, Ends With, Equal To, Not Equal To Enter a value.
You can configure five custom attribute rules for each attribute type, with a total of up to 15 custom attribute rules for each rule. You can also update custom attributes in bulk for devices by selecting Device > Device Attributes:
Bulk upload custom attributes
You can also update each custom attribute individually on the Device Inventory page at Device > Device Summary > Custom Attributes:
Device Inventory view