The CalDAV settings allow device users to access scheduling information on a remote server.

CalDAV settings

CalDAV, or Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV, uses the iCalendar format. The MDM payload pushes the CalDAV configuration information to a device.

The following table describes settings that you can configure for CalDAV on an iOS device:
Policy setting Description
Display name of the CalDAV account The name of the CalDAV account that is displayed on the device.
Host name of the CalDAV account The server address for the CalDAV account.
Host port number of the CalDAV account The port that the CalDAV account uses to connect to a remote server.
Principal URL for the CalDAV account Optional: The URL for a user's CalDAV account.
CalDAV account username The user name for the CalDAV account. The following variables are accepted: %username% or %email%
Use SSL to communicate with CalDAV servers A CalDAV server uses SSL to communicate with other CalDAV servers.