Adding a token to the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP)
The Add Token option in the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) workflow includes steps to add a DEP token that is provided by Apple.
About this task
Follow these steps to add an MDM server token to the IBM® MaaS360® Portal.
From the IBM
MaaS360 Portal
Home page, select , and then click Add Token from the Tokens
You can also add a token at DEP page.from theThe Add Token window is displayed.
- Create a DEP account and follow the steps in
- Download the public key PEM file that is needed to create a new MDM server in the Apple DEP Portal.
- Log in to and click Manage Servers in the Device Enrollment Program.
- Click Add MDM Server and provide an appropriate MDM server name.
- Upload the public key that you downloaded from the IBM MaaS360 Portal in step 3. Continue the steps to create an MDM server.
- Download the server token.
- Enter the token name to uniquely identify the token.
- Optional:
Check the box to enable the token that you want to associate with Apple Education.
Use this option only if you enabled the Apple for Education service and the devices that you are enrolling are used for Apple Education.
Upload a token file. The Apple DEP Portal supports the
.p7m file type.
- Click Add.
- Complete the security check by entering the administrator password for authentication, choose from the options that are available for remembering your credentials, and click Confirm.
The token is added successfully and listed on the Tokens page.