Adding an enterprise app for macOS
Information about adding a macOS enterprise app to the App Catalog through the MaaS360 Packager. You can use the MaaS360 Packager to upload DMG, PKG, archives, scripts, and other supported files to the App Catalog.
- From the IBM® MaaS360® Portal Home page, select Apps > Catalog.
Click Add, expand the macOS section, and then select
Enterprise App for macOS.
The Enterprise App for macOS window is displayed.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to download the MaaS360 Packager.
- Install and launch the MaaS360 Packager.
Click Add New Package, select the file type that you want to add, and
then click Next.The Add App screen is displayed.
Provide the following details in the Add App screen:
Tab Description Basic Package Name: Provide the name of the app. Package Icon: Add an app icon.
Version: The version of the app that is specified by the app developer.
Identifier: The unique identifier of the app that is specified by the app developer.
Upload: The enterprise app that is added to the MaaS360 Packager.
Category: The category of the app that is specified by the app developer.
Signing Certificate: From the drop-down, select an app signing certificate that is provided by the Apple Developer account. Customers must purchase an Apple Developer account. From this account, customers can download the Developer ID Installer certificate and then upload that certificate in the Signing Certificate section. This certificate is used by the operating system to identify the developer of the package.
Minimum OS Version: Provide the minimum OS version that is required to install the app.
Details Description: Provide a detailed app description. Upload Screenshots: Add screen captures of the app.
Add as Featured App: Mark the app as a featured app. The featured apps are highlighted in a separate section in the end-user App Catalog to promote the app discovery.
Upload Banner Image: The image for the app that appears in the Featured carousel on the end-user App Catalog.
Scripts Upload the following scripts: - Pre-install: The script is executed before the app is installed.
- Post-install: The script is executed after the app is installed.
- Un-install: The script is executed after the app is uninstalled.
Prompt for Restart on Successful Installation: The device is automatically restarted after a script is executed.
Settings Remove App on: The app is removed in the following scenarios: - MDM Control Removal: When MDM control of a device is terminated by the administrator or a user.
- Selective Wipe: When a selective wipe is issued to the device.
- Stopping Distribution: When distribution is stopped on the device.
Click Finish.
The Summary screen is displayed.
Review the details and click Upload to Catalog.
The macOS enterprise app is successfully uploaded to the App Catalog.