Supporting the Apple Shared devices configuration in MaaS360

With Apple Shared Devices for Education, you can share a device among multiple students in the classroom. Shared devices allow multiple users to log in to a device.

About this task

Make sure that the Apple for Education configuration service is enabled. When the service is enabled, the MaaS360 for Schools setting is enabled by default to support the Apple Shared Devices feature.


  1. In the Apple Device Enrollment, go to Devices > Enrollments > Other Enrollment Options > Apple Device Enrollment (DEP) > Tokens > Add Token to add the DEP Token.
    1. Enter the Token Name.
    2. Enable the Apple Education token association setting.
    3. Upload the token file. The supported file type is a .p7m file from the DEP portal.
    4. Click Add.
      When the DEP token is synchronized, all shared devices that are listed under this token are displayed on the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) page.
      Viewing an example of adding token
  2. From the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) page, select Profiles > Add Profile.
    For more information about adding an Apple DEP profile, see Adding an Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) profile.
    The added profile is listed on the Profiles page.
    Viewing an example of profile configuration settings
    Viewing an example of profile skip items settings
  3. From the Profiles page, click Assign.
  4. Select the synchronized DEP devices that you want to assign a profile to and click Assign.
    Viewing an example of assigning profile
  5. Go to the Apple Configurator for the device, and tap Restore to restore the device.
    Viewing an example of device restore from Apple Configurator
  6. Create a class from Schools > Classes > Add Class.
    For more information about adding a class, see Creating an Apple School class in the IBM MaaS360 Portal.


When the Apple Shared devices configuration is complete, recent users, all classes, and students who are enrolled for a classroom are added to the shared device.