Creating an Apple Education user in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

Use the Education tab to create instructor users or student users in the IBM® MaaS360® Portal.

Creating an instructor user in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

  1. Go to Users > Add User.
  2. Provide details in the Basic and Advanced tabs.
  3. In the Education tab, enter the Managed Apple Id, Person Number, Role (Instructor), Grade Level, and Password Policy.
    Viewing an example of adding an instructor user in MaaS360 portal
  4. Click Save.

Creating a student user in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

  1. Go to Users > Add User.
  2. Provide details in the Basic and Advanced tabs.
  3. In the Education tab, enter the Managed Apple Id, Person Number, Role (Student), Grade Level, and Password Policy.
    Viewing an example of adding a student user in MaaS360 portal
  4. Click Save.

What to do next

If users are already available in the IBM MaaS360 Portal, you can edit the attributes of the user. MaaS360 also offers bulk upload options to define user attributes using a CSV file.
Viewing an example of bulk uploading users to MaaS360 portal