smcr - Display information about SMC-R

6.10 LPAR mode z/VM guest KVM guest

SMC-R connections are based on RoCE devices, see RoCE Express.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram smcr -d-ddlinkgroupshowlink-showhelpall<LG-ID>deviceshowhelpallibdev <dev>netdev <dev>-d-astatsshowresetjsonhelpueidshowadd <eid>del <eid>flushhelp
Generic options
These options are available for all subcommands.
depending on the subcommand, displays information about link groups, devices, statistics, or user defined enterprise IDs (EIDs). This is the default option.
-h or --help
displays help information for the specified subcommand. To view the man page, enter man smcd.
These options have the same meaning for all applicable subcommands.
-d or --details
displays detailed information about SMC-R link groups, devices, or statistics.
-dd or --ddetails
displays more details about SMC-R link groups or devices.
linkgroup options
The linkgroup subcommand displays information about SMC-R link groups and links.
displays information about links. The default is information about link groups.
displays information about all link groups.
limits the displayed information to the link group with the specified ID. Combined with the link-show option, information is narrowed to links for the specified link group.
device options
The device subcommand displays information about SMC-R devices.
displays information about all SMC-R devices. This is the default.
ibdev <dev>
limits the command output to the device port with the specified RoCE device name.
netdev <dev>
limits the command output to the device with the specified network device name.
stats options
The stats subcommand displays statistics for SMC-R.
-a or --absolute
ignores any counter resets and displays statistics beginning with smc module load.
displays the current statistics and resets all SMC-R statistics counters to zero.
displays the current statistics in JSON format.
ueid options
The ueid subcommand manages user defined EIDs.
add <ueid>
add a user defined EID.

For <ueid>, specify up 32 uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z), numerals (0-9), hyphens (-), and dots (.). The first character must be alphanumeric, and dots must not be consecutive.

del <ueid>
delete the specified user defined EID.
delete all user defined EIDs.
-v or --version
displays version information.

Output columns for linkgroup and device

In the output tables for smcr linkgroup and smcr device, the columns headers have the following meanings:

Network device name.
RoCE (InfiniBand) device name.
InfiniBand port of the RoCE device. The port count starts with 1. Consequently, devices where each port is represented as a separate device indicate the port as the first port for all ports.
State of the RoCE device port. The state can be INACTIVE or ACTIVE.
Type of the underlying PCI device. For SMC-R, the type can be:
  • RoCE_Express
  • RoCE_Express 2
Show whether the device is critical, that is, without a failover possibility. The value can be:
At least one link group runs on the device with state "SINGLE" or locally "ASYMMETRIC", which means that one or more link groups lack a failover device.
No link group running on the device with state "SINGLE" or locally "ASYMMETRIC", which means that the link group or groups all have a fallback device.
Function ID of the PCI device.
ID of the PCI device.
Physical channel ID of the PCI device.
Number of links on the device.
PNET ID of the device. A leading asterisk (*) means that the PNET ID is set by the user. For example, *NET1.

Output of stats

For the output of the stats sub-command, see Obtaining statistics for SMC connections.


  • To display all SMC-R link groups, issue:
    # smcr linkgroup show all
    LG-ID    LG-Role LG-Type  VLAN #Conns  PNET-ID
    00000100 CLNT    SYM         0      1  NET1
  • To display all SMC-R links, issue:
    # smcr linkgroup link-show all
    LG-ID    LG-Role LG-Type Net-Dev    Link-State   #Conns
    00000100 CLNT    SYM     ens281     LINK_ACTIVE       1
    00000100 CLNT    SYM     enP1s282   LINK_ACTIVE       0
  • To display SMC-R devices, issue:
    # smcr device show all
    Net-Dev  IB-Dev  IB-P   IB-State  Type          Crit #Links  PNET-ID
    ens281   mlx4_0     1   ACTIVE    RoCE_Express   No       1  NET1
    ens281d1 mlx4_0     2   INACTIVE  RoCE_Express   No       1  NET2
  • To limit the output to device ens281, issue:
    # smcr device show netdev ens281
    Net-Dev IB-Dev   IB-P   IB-State  Type         Crit  #Links  PNET-ID
    ens281  mlx4_0      1   ACTIVE    RoCE_Express   No       1  NET1
  • To show SMC-R statistics:
    # smcr stats
  • To show detailed SMC-R statistics and reset SMC-R statistics counters:
    # smcr -d stats reset
  • To ignore any counter resets and show detailed SMC-R statistics since module load in JSON format:
    # smcr -da stats json
  • To add a user defined EID, GROUP-1.5.
    # smcr ueid add GROUP-1.5
  • To show all user defined EIDs.
    # smcr ueid