smcr - Display information about SMC-R
SMC-R connections are based on RoCE devices, see RoCE Express.
- Generic options
- These options are available for all subcommands.
- show
- depending on the subcommand, displays information about link groups, devices, statistics, or user defined enterprise IDs (EIDs). This is the default option.
- -h or --help
- displays help information for the specified subcommand. To view the man page, enter man smcd.
- linkgroup options
- The linkgroup subcommand displays information about SMC-R link groups and links.
- link-show
- displays information about links. The default is information about link groups.
- all
- displays information about all link groups.
- <LG-ID>
- limits the displayed information to the link group with the specified ID. Combined with the link-show option, information is narrowed to links for the specified link group.
- device options
- The device subcommand displays information about SMC-R devices.
- all
- displays information about all SMC-R devices. This is the default.
- ibdev <dev>
- limits the command output to the device port with the specified RoCE device name.
- netdev <dev>
- limits the command output to the device with the specified network device name.
- stats options
- The stats subcommand displays statistics for SMC-R.
- -a or --absolute
- ignores any counter resets and displays statistics beginning with smc module load.
- reset
- displays the current statistics and resets all SMC-R statistics counters to zero.
- json
- displays the current statistics in JSON format.
- ueid options
- The ueid subcommand manages user defined EIDs.
- add <ueid>
- add a user defined EID.
For <ueid>, specify up 32 uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z), numerals (0-9), hyphens (-), and dots (.). The first character must be alphanumeric, and dots must not be consecutive.
- del <ueid>
- delete the specified user defined EID.
- flush
- delete all user defined EIDs.
- -v or --version
- displays version information.
Output columns for linkgroup and device
In the output tables for smcr linkgroup and smcr device, the columns headers have the following meanings:
- Net-Dev
- Network device name.
- IB-Dev
- RoCE (InfiniBand) device name.
- IB-P
- InfiniBand port of the RoCE device. The port count starts with 1. Consequently, devices where each port is represented as a separate device indicate the port as the first port for all ports.
- IB-State
- State of the RoCE device port. The state can be INACTIVE or ACTIVE.
- Type
- Type of the underlying PCI device. For SMC-R, the type can be:
- RoCE_Express
- RoCE_Express 2
- Crit
- Show whether the device is critical, that is, without a failover possibility. The value can be:
- Yes
- At least one link group runs on the device with state "SINGLE" or locally "ASYMMETRIC", which means that one or more link groups lack a failover device.
- No
- No link group running on the device with state "SINGLE" or locally "ASYMMETRIC", which means that the link group or groups all have a fallback device.
- Function ID of the PCI device.
- ID of the PCI device.
- Physical channel ID of the PCI device.
- #Links
- Number of links on the device.
- PNET ID of the device. A leading asterisk (*) means that the PNET ID is set by the user. For
Output of stats
For the output of the stats sub-command, see Obtaining statistics for SMC connections.
- To display all SMC-R link groups, issue:
# smcr linkgroup show all LG-ID LG-Role LG-Type VLAN #Conns PNET-ID 00000100 CLNT SYM 0 1 NET1
- To display all SMC-R links, issue:
# smcr linkgroup link-show all LG-ID LG-Role LG-Type Net-Dev Link-State #Conns 00000100 CLNT SYM ens281 LINK_ACTIVE 1 00000100 CLNT SYM enP1s282 LINK_ACTIVE 0
- To display SMC-R devices, issue:
# smcr device show all Net-Dev IB-Dev IB-P IB-State Type Crit #Links PNET-ID ens281 mlx4_0 1 ACTIVE RoCE_Express No 1 NET1 ens281d1 mlx4_0 2 INACTIVE RoCE_Express No 1 NET2
- To limit the output to device ens281,
# smcr device show netdev ens281 Net-Dev IB-Dev IB-P IB-State Type Crit #Links PNET-ID ens281 mlx4_0 1 ACTIVE RoCE_Express No 1 NET1
- To show SMC-R statistics:
# smcr stats
- To show detailed SMC-R statistics and reset SMC-R
statistics counters:
# smcr -d stats reset
- To ignore any counter resets and show detailed SMC-R
statistics since module load in JSON format:
# smcr -da stats json
- To add a user defined EID,
# smcr ueid add GROUP-1.5
- To show all user defined EIDs.
# smcr ueid ASSEMBLY5 GROUP-1.5 GROUP-7