lscpumf - Display information about the CPU-measurement facilities

6.10 LPAR mode

Use the lscpumf command to display information about the CPU-measurement facilities.

lscpumf syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramlscpumf -i -c -C -s -h -v
-i or --info
displays detailed information about available and supported CPU measurement facilities.
-c or --list-counters
lists counters that are provided by the CPU-measurement facility, omitting counters for which the LPAR is not authorized. For counter measurements with the perf program, the raw event identifier and symbolic counter name are displayed.
-C or --list-all-counters
lists all counters that are provided by the CPU-measurement counter facility, regardless of LPAR authorization. To list only those counters for which the LPAR is authorized, use the -c option. For counter measurements with the perf program, the raw event identifier and symbolic counter name are displayed.
-s or --list-sampling-events
lists perf raw events that activate the sampling facility.
-v or --version
displays the version number of lscpumf and exits.
-h or --help
displays out a short help text, then exits. To view the man page, enter man lscpumf.


  • To display the supported facilities, issue:
    # lscpumf
    CPU-measurement Counter Facility
    CPU-measurement Sampling Facility
  • To display details about the facilities, issue:
    # lscpumf -i
    CPU-measurement Counter Facility
    Version: 3.7
    Authorized counter sets:
        Basic counter Set
        Crypto-Activity counter Set
        Extended counter Set
        MT-diagnostic counter Set
        Problem-State counter Set
    Linux perf event support: Yes (PMU: cpum_cf)
    CPU-measurement Sampling Facility
    Sampling Interval:
         Minimum:     20800 cycles (approx. 250000 Hz)
         Maximum: 170372800 cycles (approx. 30 Hz)
    Authorized sampling modes:
         basic:      (sample size: 32 bytes)
         diagnostic: (sample size: 173 bytes)
    Linux perf event support: Yes (PMU: cpum_sf)
    Current sampling buffer settings for cpum_sf:
        Basic-sampling mode
            Minimum: 15 sample-data-blocks ( 64KB)
            Maximum: 8176 sample-data-blocks ( 32MB) 
        Diagnostic-sampling mode (including basic-sampling)
            Minimum:        90 sample-data-blocks ( 364KB)
            Maximum:     49056 sample-data-blocks ( 192MB)
            Size factor:     6
  • To display perf event information for authorized sampling functions, issue:
    # lscpumf -s
    Perf events for activating the sampling facility
    event	Name	Description
    rb0000	SF_CYCLES_BASIC
                    Sample CPU Cycles Using Basic-sampling Mode.
                    This event is not associated with a counter set.
                    Sample CPU Cycle Using Diagnostic-sampling Mode
                    (not for ordinary use).
                    This event is not associated with a counter set.
  • To list all counters that are provided by your IBM Z® hardware, issue:
    # lscpumf -C
    perf event counter list for IBM z15
    event	Name	Description
    9:0	CPU_CYCLES
                    Cycle Count
                    Counter 0 / Basic Counter Set.
                    Instruction Count
                    Counter 1 / Basic Counter Set.
    9:2	L1I_DIR_WRITES
                    Level-1 I-Cache Directory Write Count
                    Counter 2 / Basic Counter Set.
                    Level-1 I-Cache Penalty Cycle Count
                    Counter 3 / Basic Counter Set.
    9:4	L1D_DIR_WRITES
                    Level-1 D-Cache Directory Write Count
                    Counter 4 / Basic Counter Set.
                    Level-1 D-Cache Penalty Cycle Count
                    Counter 5 / Basic Counter Set.
                    Problem-State Cycle Count
                    Counter 32 / Problem-State Counter Set.
                    Problem-State Instruction Count
                    Counter 33 / Problem-State Counter Set.
The leading 9 for raw event identifiers in the output example is a value that the kernel assigns to the CPU-measurement facilities. This number can vary across boot cycles.