lschp - List channel paths

6.10 LPAR mode z/VM guest KVM guest

Use the lschp command to display information about channel paths.

lschp syntax

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limits the output to the specified channel path ID (CHPID). Specify CHPIDs as a two-digit hexadecimal number with or without 0. as a prefix.
-v or --version
displays the version number of lschp and exits.
-h or --help
displays out a short help text, then exits. To view the man page, enter man lschp.

Output column description:

Channel-path identifier with a 0. prefix.
Logical channel-path state:
  • 0 = channel-path is not used for I/O.
  • 1 = channel-path is used for I/O.
Channel-path configure state:
  • 0 = stand-by
  • 1 = configured
  • 2 = reserved
  • 3 = not recognized
Channel-path type identifier.
Channel measurement group identifier.
Indicates whether a channel path is shared between LPARs:
  • 0 = channel path is not shared
  • 1 = channel path is shared
Physical channel path identifier, or, if enclosed in brackets, internal channel identifier. The mapping might not be available to Linux® when it is running as a z/VM® guest. If so, use the CP command:

A column value of '-' indicates that a facility associated with the corresponding channel-path attribute is not available.


  • To query the configuration status of channel path ID 40 issue:
    # lschp 40
    CHPID Vary Cfg. Type Cmg Shared  PCHID
    0.40  1    1    1b   2   1       0580
    The value under Cfg. shows that the channel path is configured (1).