Console terminology

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 LPAR mode z/VM guest KVM guest

Terminal and console have special meanings in Linux®.

Linux terminal
An input/output device through which users interact with Linux and Linux applications. Login programs and shells typically run on Linux terminals and provide access to the Linux system.
Linux console
An output-only device to which the Linux kernel can write kernel messages. Linux console devices can be associated with Linux terminal devices. Thus, console output can be displayed on a Linux terminal.
Mainframe terminal
Any device that gives a user access to operating systems and applications that run on a mainframe. A mainframe terminal can be a physical device such as a 3270 terminal hardware that is linked to the mainframe through a controller. It can also be a terminal emulator on a workstation that is connected through a network. For example, you access z/OS® through a mainframe terminal.
Hardware Management Console (HMC)
A device that gives a system programmer control over IBM Z® hardware resources, for example, LPARs. The HMC is a web application on a web server that is connected to the Support Element (SE). The HMC can be accessed from the SE but more commonly is accessed from a workstation within a secure network.

On the mainframe, the Linux console and Linux terminals can both be connected to a mainframe terminal.