Finding out the type of your network adapter

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 LPAR mode z/VM guest

Use the card_type attribute to find out the type of the network adapter through which your device is connected.


You can find out the type of the network adapter through which your device is connected. To find out the type, read the device's card_type attribute.
To list all attributes, issue a command of the form:
# lszdev -a <device_type> <device_bus_id> --info --info
or, using sysfs:
# cat /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/qeth/<device_bus_id>/card_type
The card_type attribute gives information about both the type of network adapter and the type of network link (if applicable) available at the card's ports. See Table 1 for details.
Table 1. Possible values of card_type and what they mean
Value of card_type Adapter type Link type
OSD_25GIG OSA card in OSD mode 25 Gigabit Ethernet
OSD_10GIG 10 Gigabit Ethernet
OSD_1000 Gigabit Ethernet, 1000BASE-T
OSD_GbE_LANE Gigabit Ethernet, LAN Emulation
OSD_FE_LANE Fast Ethernet, LAN Emulation
OSD_Express Unknown  
OSX OSA-Express for zBX 10 Gigabit Ethernet
HiperSockets HiperSockets, CHPID type IQD N/A
Virtual NIC QDIO VSWITCH or guest LAN based on OSA N/A
Virtual NIC Hiper Guest LAN based on HiperSockets N/A
Unknown Other


To find the card_type of a device 0.0.a100 issue:
# lszdev -a qeth 0.0.a100 --info --info
 card_type   "OSD_1000"
or, using sysfs:
# cat /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/qeth/0.0.a100/card_type