
6.10 LPAR mode z/VM guest

Depending on the field type, the values can be displayed in different units.

In the sys_list and sys windows, the units are displayed under the column headings in parenthesis. Each unit can be specified through the --fields command line option. Units can also be selected interactively. To change a unit, enter select mode in the fields window. Then, select the field where you want to change the unit, and press the "+" or "-" keys to go through the available units. The following units are supported:

Units of time:

Unit Explanation
us Microseconds (10-6 seconds)
ms Milliseconds (10-3 seconds)
% Hundreds of a second (10-2 seconds) or percent
s Seconds
m Minutes
hm Hours and minutes
dhm Days, hours, and minutes

Units of memory:

Unit Explanation
KiB Kibibytes (1 024 bytes)
MiB Mebibytes (1 048 576 bytes)
GiB Gibibytes (1 073 741 824 bytes)

Other units:

Unit Explanation
str String
# Count or number
vis Visualization