Updating the Configuration file

You can specify the IBM® Serviceable Event Provider to continuously report a problem according to the configuration file settings.

About this task

The IBM Serviceable Event Provider configuration file is available at /opt/ibm/seprovider/conf. You can configure the following properties in the configuration file:
  • Location of syslog file
  • Size of activity log
  • Maximum count of activity log
  • Location of activity log
  • Location of Product Engineering (PE) log
  • Size of PE log
  • Maximum count of Product Engineering (PE) log files

To view or edit the configuration file properties, follow these steps:


  1. Log in to the IBM PowerKVM system.
  2. In command line, go to /opt/ibm/seprovider/conf
  3. Run the command cat conf.properties. The configuration file displays.
  4. Edit the properties in this configuration file, but it is not mandatory to provide values for all of these properties.
    Note: For any modifications in the configuration file, you must restart the Serviceable Event Provider. For information on restarting the Serviceable Event Provider, see sepcli restart


IBM Serviceable Event Provider on KVM monitors and sends traps even without any update / entry in the configuration file. If no value or invalid value is associated to any or all of the parameters that are mentioned in configuration file, the respective properties are set to the following default values:
  • Location of syslog file:/var/log/messages
  • Max size of activity log: 2MB
  • Max count of activity log: 2
  • Location of activity log: /var/seprovider/logs
  • Location of PE log: /var/seprovider/logs
  • Max size of PE log: 2MB
  • Max count of PE log files: 2


##  Inorder to reflect the changes in config file, seprovider need to be resarted ##
#sys log
#sys log file path
#activity log
#activity log file path
#log file max size(byte)
#activity log file count
#PE log
#log file path
#PE log file max size(byte)
#PE log file count
#SNMP trap command path
#trap command of SNMP