IBM publications for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5

The principal source of documentation for SUSE Linux® Enterprise Server is SUSE Linux GmbH at IBM® provides complementary documentation that can be useful when working with SUSE distributions for IBM Z®.

No distribution-specific versions of the publications in the following table are available. The functional descriptions in these editions might not precisely match all aspects of your distribution.
IBM publications that are the closest fit for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 Link
Device Drivers, Features, and Commands on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server HTML | PDF (12 SP4 version)
Device Drivers, Features, and Commands on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2
as a KVM Guest
PDF (12 SP2 version)
Using the Dump Tools on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server HTML | PDF (12 SP3 version)
Kernel Messages on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server PDF | HTML (all kernels)
How to use FC-attached SCSI devices with Linux on System z® HTML | PDF (kernel 4.0 edition)
Networking with RoCE Express® HTML | PDF
Pervasive Encryption for Data Volumes PDF
Getting started with pervasive disk encryption HTML | PDF
libica Programmer's Reference libica version
Exploiting Enterprise PKCS #11 using openCryptoki EP11 version
Secure Key Solution with the Common Cryptographic Architecture
Application Programmer's Guide
CCA version
Troubleshooting Guide PDF (May 2019 edition)
How to Improve Performance with PAV PDF (kernel 2.6.35 edition)
How to Set up a Terminal Server Environment HTML | PDF (kernel 4.0 edition)