IBM Secure Execution components

To make your workload safe in the cloud, IBM® Secure Execution for Linux® provides technology-based mitigation for several security threats.

With IBM Secure Execution, your workload is run in a specially protected virtual server. When you start a guest in IBM Secure Execution mode, the following aspects are protected against being observed or modified by the hosting environment:

  • The boot image
  • The guest memory
  • The guest state

Across its entire lifecycle, such a guest has its confidentiality and integrity protected, from the moment the image is built, through the boot process and the running of the virtual server, until its termination.

IBM Secure Execution is based on hardware and firmware features that became available with the IBM z15®:

The ultravisor is trusted firmware that uses memory-protection hardware to enforce memory protection. The owner of a guest with IBM Secure Execution can securely pass secret information to the ultravisor by using the public host key, which is embedded in the host key document. To process the secret information, the ultravisor uses the matching private host key. The private host key is specific to an IBM Z® server and is hardware protected.

A guest in IBM Secure Execution mode runs only on one or more specific, trusted servers that are provided as a cloud environment by your cloud provider. Only the workload creator can grant access to the data on it.

Private host-key handling: With IBM z15, IBM kept an HSM-protected copy of the private host key. As of IBM z16, IBM no longer keeps a copy. The only copy of the private host key is in the host-key bundle delivered with the Support Element (SE).

For IBM z16, use the Backup Critical Console Data task on the HMC to back up the host-key bundle that is delivered with your SE disk.

Boot image protection

The boot image of a secure virtual server must be prepared for the guest to run under the control of the ultravisor.

The preparation includes encrypting the boot image and computing a cryptographic hash of the image, as well as creating an IBM Secure Execution header (SE header) for this image. The header contains the image encryption keys and the hashes. The SE header itself is integrity protected, with its critical parts encrypted.

A host key document is specific to a host system on which a secure virtual server can run. A host can run the Linux instance if it can decrypt the customer root key (CRK) in the SE header. To ensure that only a particular host can run an instance, the CRK in the SE header is encrypted with that host's public key. To enable multiple hosts to run an instance, multiple encrypted copies of the CRK can be included in the SE header. Each copy is encrypted with the public key of a host where the instance can run.

Given that the boot image is encrypted, it can contain sensitive data that cannot be observed or modified by the components or operators that start the image. Typical examples of sensitive data that owners of secure virtual servers would want to place in a boot image include LUKS passphrases, root password hashes, or SSH certificates.

When the image boots, the ultravisor is given both the SE header and the encrypted image. Based on the information in the SE header the ultravisor verifies the integrity of the SE header and the image. It decrypts the image and starts the image only if all integrity checks succeed.

Memory protection

In a regular KVM setup, the KVM hypervisor can access the memory of the virtual servers. IBM Secure Execution isolates the guest memory from the KVM hypervisor by running secure virtual servers in secure memory.

Secure memory cannot be accessed from outside the secure virtual server or trusted firmware. In particular, secure memory cannot be accessed from the KVM hypervisor or any memory inspection function on the Support Element or the HMC. Hypervisor requests to access secure memory are rejected and redirected to the Ultravisor. Thus the workload is protected against data manipulation and extraction while it is running and at rest.

Once the boot image is decrypted by the ultravisor, it is stored in secure memory and all memory that is used by the secure virtual server continues to be secure.

State protection

Virtual servers need resources, such as memory and virtual CPUs to be functional. Such resources and their states are described by control blocks and comprise a large portion of the state of a virtual server. In addition, the state of a guest includes CPU registers, parts of cryptographic keys, and the program status word (PSW). Anyone who can access the state can learn something about the workload. Therefore, the ultravisor also protects all state information of a secure virtual server.


To protect against control block access, IBM Secure Execution introduces a new entity, the ultravisor, that controls execution instead of KVM. The ultravisor decrypts the workload, secures its memory, runs, and manages it securely.

The task of the ultravisor is to load the image of a secure guest, which includes its decryption and integrity verification. It turns all memory to be used by the secure guest into secure memory and protects the state of a secure virtual server.

The ultravisor takes over all sensitive work from KVM. KVM works through a special instruction with the ultravisor. The ultravisor performs a security check on KVM's requests, and runs them, while it gives KVM only necessary information.

IBM Secure Execution protects against manipulation of the workload and tampering with memory pages.

Figure 1 shows three KVM guests. One guest operates in regular mode and the other two in IBM Secure Execution mode. The Ultravisor controls the IBM Secure Execution guests.

The hatched squares in the figure symbolize secure pages. The white squares represent memory pages that are voluntarily shared between the guests and the hypervisor to allow the hypervisor to perform I/O for the guest. The guest needs access to pages that are used to handle I/O. These pages are called bounce buffers.

The checkered squares represent memory pages encrypted by the ultravisor and are accessible to the hypervisor for page swapping operations. These encrypted pages are not accessible to the secure guest. If the hypervisor needs to swap out a page, the ultravisor stores a hash of the page and encrypts it before granting the hypervisor access to the page. When the hypervisor returns the page to the guest the ultravisor checks its contents against the stored hash.

Figure 1. IBM Secure Execution protects guest memory and state
The picture shows three KVM guests. One guest operates in regular mode and the other two in Secure Execution mode. The last two operate through the ultravisor.

The hosting LPAR donates some memory to the ultravisor, which uses it to build a table to hold the security context data of the guest.

The secure memory that is used by a secure virtual server is labeled with the ID of the virtual server. Each virtual server can use only secure memory that is labeled with its own ID. Access to secure memory that is labeled with another ID is prevented by the IBM Z memory management hardware and firmware. This process strengthens the isolation of different guests that run in the same hypervisor. Such guest separation might be useful to cloud providers who, for example, have a legal requirement to keep workloads from different customers completely separated.


IBM Secure Execution protects the memory and state of each secure virtual server during its lifecycle.

Boot images for secure virtual servers must be encrypted and integrity protected. You use a command that automates the protection procedure. The boot image protection does not require any modification of existing applications.

It is possible to place sensitive data in the boot image that can never be observed or tampered with from the hosting environment of the secure virtual server.

A workload can only run on the hosts for which it was prepared.