Using a helper script

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 LPAR mode z/VM guest

zipl provides a helper script, zipl_helper.device-mapper, that detects the required information and provides it to zipl for you.

The helper script is used automatically when you run zipl to prepare a boot device. Specify the parameters for the kernel image, parameter file, initial RAM disk, and target as usual.

Assuming an example device for which the location of the kernel image is /boot/image-5, the location of an initial RAM disk as /boot/initrd-5, a kernel parameter file /boot/parmf-5, and which writes the required boot loader code to /boot and is a device mapper device, the command then becomes:
# zipl -i /boot/image-5 -r /boot/initrd-5 -p /boot/parmf-5 -t /boot
The corresponding configuration file section becomes: