sepcli stop

Use the sepcli stop command to stop theIBM® Serviceable Event Provider instance.


sepcli stop


Use the sepcli stop command to stop or deactivate the Serviceable Event Provider instance.


To stop the Serviceable Event Provider, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the IBM PowerKVM system.
  2. In command line, go to /opt/ibm/seprovider/bin.
  3. Run the command sepcli stop to stop Serviceable Event Provider.
  4. Run the command echo $? to view the return code.

The Serviceable Event Provider retains its status after system restart. That is, if the Serviceable Event Provider is in stop state, after system restart also the Serviceable Event Provider will be in same state.


  • Status after you stop the Serviceable Event Provider

    This example illustrates running the ./sepcli stop command successfully.

    ./sepcli stop
    echo $?
    serviceable event provider stopped successfully