esacli opNotificationSettings

Use the esacli opNotificationSettings to set and display information indicating where Electronic Service Agent sends notifications when operational tests are performed.


esacli opNotificationSettings [[-d [script]]

esacli opNotificationSettings [–e true] {–h hostname} {–p port} [–u userid]
[–w password] {–m email}

esacli opNotificationSettings {-e false}


The esacli opNotificationSettings command sets and displays information indicating where Electronic Service Agent sends notifications when operational tests are performed. This command indicates that it completed successfully with a message: This command completed successfully. When the display option is specified, the new settings are displayed. This command also displays the current settings when run with only the display option or when no option is specified.

Note: This command should be run only when directed by IBM® service and any email address which is set must end with


-d | --display
Specifies the setting values are to be displayed.
The optional script option generates this command containing all the current values, which can be used for updates. For example, to create an executable script file that you can use to specify opNotificationSettings values, follow these steps:
  1. Display the current opNotificationSettings values by running the following command:
    esacli opNotificationSettings -d
    Tip: You can display the help for the opNotificationSettings command by running the following command: esacli help opNotificationSettings.
  2. Save the output of the opNotificationSettings command to a file by running the following command:
    esacli opNotificationSettings -d script > opnotifications.script
    Note: For Windows systems, create a batch file in the following format: esacli opNotificationSettings -d script > opnotifications.bat.
  3. Edit the opnotifications.script file to specify the wanted values.
  4. Change the opnotifications.script file to an executable script file.
  5. Run the opnotifications.script file to set the opNotificationSettings values on this or other systems.
-e | --enable true or false
Specifies if notification is enabled or not. The default is true.
-h | --hostname SMTP server host
Specifies an SMTP server hostname. A hostname or IP Address can be used.
-p | --port port
Specifies an SMTP server port.
-u | --userid user
Specifies an SMTP user account.
-w | --password password
Specifies an SMTP user password. The command prompts for the password if the option is specified but the value is not provided.
-m | --email email address
Specifies an email where operational test notifications are sent. This email address must end with

Exit status

The following table contains the codes that are returned by this command.
  • 0: The operation completed successfully.
  • 1: IBM Electronic Service Agent instance is not running.
  • 10: Unsupported option was specified. Option: {option}
  • 13: An invalid host name was specified for a subcommand host option.
  • 14: A required option was not provided. Option: {option}
  • 18: An option was set more than once. Option: {option}
  • 19: An option value was not provided when required. Option: {option}
  • 22: An invalid email address was specified. Email: {email} for option {option}
  • 31: An integer value was not provided when required. Option: {name} Value: {value}
  • 32: An integer value was not in the valid range. Option: {option value} Range:{min-max}
  • 42: Invalid value {value} specified for the {option} option.


  • Lists operational notification settings
    esacli opNotificationSettings -d
    Operational Settings
     Send e-mail notifications
     	Enabled: true
    	SMTP service name:			
    	Port: 25
    	Userid: smtpu1			
    	Password: *********		
  • Set operational notification settings
    esacli opNotificationSettings --enable true
    --userid "smtpuser" --password "password" --hostname 
    --port 25 --email