esacli generateClientKey

Use the esacli generateClientKey command to generate client key for the specified ESA-client or primary system.


esacli generateClientKey {[-i]} {system id}


The esacli generateClientKey command allows you to generate client key for the specified ESA-client or primary system.


-f | --force
Forces ESA to generate client key.
-i | --id
Generates client key for the specified ESA-client.
Note: If -i | --id option is not specified, ESA generates client key for the primary system.

Exit status

The esacli generateClientKey command returns the following codes.
  • 0: The operation completed successfully.
  • 1: IBM® Electronic Service Agent instance is not running.
  • 10: Unsupported option was specified. Option: {option}.
  • 14: A required option was not provided. Option: {option}.
  • 18: An option was set more than once. Option: {option}.
  • 19: An option value was not provided when required. Option: {option}.


This example illustrates running the esacli generateClientKey command.
esacli generateClientKey
esacli generateClientKey -i systemId