
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 LPAR mode z/VM guest

These examples show typical uses of hyptop.

  • To start hyptop with the sys_list window in interactive mode, enter:
    # hyptop
    • If your Linux® instance is running in an LPAR that has permission to see the other LPARs, the output looks like the following example:
      12:30:48 | cpu-t: IFL(18)  CP(3)  UN(3)                           ?=help
      system   #core    core    mgm    Core+  Mgm+   online
      (str)      (#)     (%)    (%)     (hm)  (hm)    (dhm)
      S05LP30     10  461.14  10.18  1547:41  8:15 11:05:59
      S05LP33      4  133.73   7.57   220:53  6:12 11:05:54
      S05LP50      4   99.26   0.01   146:24  0:12 10:04:24
      S05LP02      1   99.09   0.00   269:57  0:00 11:05:58
      TRX2CFA      1    2.14   0.03     3:24  0:04 11:06:01
      S05LP13      6    1.36   0.34     4:23  0:54 11:05:56
      TRX1        19    1.22   0.14    13:57  0:22 11:06:01
      TRX2        20    1.16   0.11    26:05  0:25 11:06:00
      S05LP55      2    0.00   0.00     0:22  0:00 11:05:52
      S05LP56      3    0.00   0.00     0:00  0:00 11:05:52
                 413  823.39  23.86  3159:57 38:08 11:06:01
    • If your Linux instance runs in a z/VM® guest virtual machine that has permission to see the other z/VM guest virtual machines, the output looks like the following example:
      12:32:21 | CPU-T: UN(16)                                          ?=help
      system    #cpu    cpu    Cpu+    online  memuse  memmax  wcur
      (str)     (#)     (%)    (hm)     (dhm)   (GiB)   (GiB)   (#)
      T6360004   6   100.31  959:47 53:05:20     1.56   2.00    100
      DTCVSW1    1     0.00    0:00 53:16:42     0.01   0.03    100
      T6360002   6     0.00  166:26 40:19:18     1.87   2.00    100
      OPERATOR   1     0.00    0:00 53:16:42     0.00   0.03    100
      T6360008   2     0.00    0:37 30:22:55     0.32   0.75    100
      T6360003   6     0.00 3700:57 53:03:09     4.00   4.00    100
      NSLCF1     1     0.00    0:02 53:16:41     0.03   0.25    500
      PERFSVM    1     0.00    0:53 2:21:12      0.04   0.06      0
      TCPIP      1     0.00    0:01 53:16:42     0.01   0.12   3000
      DIRMAINT   1     0.00    0:04 53:16:42     0.01   0.03    100
      DTCVSW2    1     0.00    0:00 53:16:42     0.01   0.03    100
      RACFVM     1     0.00    0:00 53:16:42     0.01   0.02    100
                75   101.57 5239:47 53:16:42    15.46  22.50   3000
    At the top, the sys and sys_list windows show a list of the CPU types that are used for the current CPU and core dispatch time calculation.
  • To start hyptop with the sys window showing performance data for LPAR MYLPAR, enter:
    # hyptop -w sys -s mylpar
    The result looks like the following example:
    11:18:50 MYLPAR cpu-t: IFL(0) CP(24) UN(2)                            ?=help
    coreid type    core mgm visual
    (#)   (str)    (%)  (%) (vis)
    0        CP  50.78 0.28 |#######################                      |
    1        CP  62.76 0.17 |############################                 |
    2        CP  71.11 0.48 |################################             |
    3        CP  32.38 0.24 |###############                              |
    4        CP  64.35 0.32 |#############################                |
    5        CP  67.61 0.40 |##############################               |
    6        CP  70.95 0.35 |################################             |
    7        CP  62.16 0.41 |############################                 |
    8        CP  70.48 0.25 |################################             |
    9        CP  56.43 0.20 |#########################                    |
    10       CP   0.00 0.00 |                                             |
    11       CP   0.00 0.00 |                                             |
    12       CP   0.00 0.00 |                                             |
    13       CP   0.00 0.00 |                                             |
    =:V:N       609.02 3.10        
  • To start hyptop with the sys_list window in batch mode, enter:
    # hyptop -b
  • To start hyptop with the sys_list window in interactive mode, with the fields dispatch time (in milliseconds), and online time (unit default), and sort the output according to online time, enter:
    # hyptop -f c:ms,o -S o
  • To start hyptop with the sys_list window in batch mode with update delay 5 seconds and 10 iterations, enter:
    # hyptop -b -d 5 -n 10
  • To start hyptop with the sys_list window and use only CPU types IFL and CP for dispatch time calculation, enter:
    # hyptop -t ifl,cp
  • To start hyptop on Linux in LPAR mode with the sys_list window and display all LPAR fields, including the thread information, enter:
    # hyptop -f "#,T,c,e,m,C,E,M,o"
    The result looks like the following example:
    13:47:42 cpu-t: IFL(0) CP(38) UN(0)                                   ?=help
    system    #core  #The    core     the  mgm   Core+    thE+  Mgm+    online
    (str)       (#)   (#)     (%)     (%)  (%)    (hm)    (hm)  (hm)     (dhm)
    S35LP41      12    24  101.28  170.28 0.28 1056:10 1756:11  8:45 158:04:04
    S35LP42      16    32   35.07   40.07 0.44 5194:52 6193:52 12:45 158:04:04
    S35LP64       3     3    1.20    1.20 0.00    0:31    0:31  0:00  12:03:54
    In the example, the Linux instances in LPARs S35LP41 and S35LP43 run with 2 threads per core. The thread time, as the sum of the two threads, exceeds the core dispatch time.

    The Linux instance in LPAR S35LP64 does not use simultaneous multithreading.

  • To start hyptop on Linux on z/VM with the sys_list window and display a selection of z/VM fields, including the management time, enter:
    # hyptop -f "#,c,m,C,M,o"
    The result looks like the following example:
    17:52:56 cpu-t: IFL(0) UN(2)                                          ?=help
    system     #cpu   cpu   mgm   Cpu+  Mgm+  online
    (str)       (#)   (%)   (%)   (hm)  (hm)   (dhm)
    G3545010      3  0.55  0.05   0:05  0:02 0:03:14
    G3545021      3  0.04     -   0:00     - 0:02:43
    G3545025      2  0.01     -   0:00     - 0:04:08
    G3545099      1  0.00     -   0:00     - 0:09:06
                 52  0.61  0.05   0:27  0:02 0:09:06
    In the example, hyptop runs on a Linux instance in z/VM guest virtual machine G3545010. In the sys_list window, this is the only guest virtual machine for which management data is displayed.