Preparing the z/VM reader as an IPL device for Linux

6.10 z/VM guest

You can use the vmur command to transfer all files for booting Linux® to the z/VM® reader. You can also arrange the files such that the reader can be used as an IPL device.


  1. Send the kernel parameter file, parmfile, to the z/VM punch device and transfer the file to the reader queue.
    The resulting message shows the spool ID of the parameter file.
    # vmur pun -r /boot/parmfile
    Reader file with spoolid 0465 created.
  2. Send the kernel image file to the z/VM punch device and transfer the file to the reader queue.
    The resulting message shows the spool ID of the kernel image file.
    # vmur pun -r /boot/vmlinuz -N image
    Reader file with spoolid 0466 created.
  3. Optional: Check the spool IDs of image and parmfile in the reader queue. In this example, the spool ID of parmfile is 465 and the spool ID of image is 466.
    # vmur li
    T6360025 0463 V DMP 00020222 001 NONE 06/11 15:07:42 VMDUMP    FILE     T6360025
    T6360025 0465 A PUN 00000002 001 NONE 06/11 15:30:31 parmfile           T6360025
    T6360025 0466 A PUN 00065200 001 NONE 06/11 15:30:52 image              T6360025
  4. Move image to the first and parmfile to the second position in the reader queue:
    # vmur or 465
    # vmur or 466
  5. Configure the z/VM reader as the re-IPL device:
    # chreipl ccw 0.0.000c
    For details about the chreipl command, see chreipl - Modify the re-IPL configuration. To pass additional options, use the -p option.
  6. Boot Linux from the z/VM reader:
    # reboot