Specifying a timeout for LCS LAN commands

6.10 LPAR mode z/VM guest

Use the lancmd_timeout attribute to set a timeout for an LCS LAN command.

About this task

You can specify a timeout for the interval that the LCS device driver waits for a reply after issuing a LAN command to the LAN adapter. For older hardware, the replies can take a longer time. The default is 5 s.


To set a timeout, issue a command of this form:
# echo <timeout> > /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/lcs/<device_bus_id>/lancmd_timeout
where <timeout> is the timeout interval in seconds in the range 1 - 60.


In this example, the timeout for a device 0.0.d000 is set to 10 s.
# echo 10 > /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/lcs/0.0.d000/lancmd_timeout