Testing connectivity to IBM

When you have completed configuration of your connectivity settings, test for connectivity to IBM®.

About this task

IBM Electronic Service Agent communicates with several IBM servers, and all connections with IBM are backed up by redundant sites. So if a primary connect point is unavailable, a connection is attempted to a backup server.

To test connectivity to IBM, run either of the following commands:
/opt/ibm/esa/bin/verifyConnectivity -t


/opt/ibm/esa/bin/esacli test -c


The system returns information similar to the following report.


Performing Connectivity Verification Test
success  Edge_Bulk_Data_1      esupport.ibm.com         443
success  Edge_Bulk_Data_2      esupport.ibm.com       443
2 successes
0 failures
Connectivity Verification Test Results: succeeded
Note: Specific IP addresses are subject to change.

What to do next

If any connectivity failures are reported by the connectivity test, examine the settings of firewalls and proxy servers to ensure that a connection between IBM Electronic Service Agent and the failing connection is allowed.