cio_ignore - Manage the I/O exclusion list

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 LPAR mode z/VM guest KVM guest

Use the cio_ignore command to specify I/O devices that are to be ignored by Linux®.

When an instance of Linux on IBM® Z boots, it senses and analyzes all available I/O devices. You can use the cio_ignore kernel parameter to specify devices that are to be ignored. This exclusion list can cover all possible devices, even devices that do not actually exist.

The cio_ignore command manages this exclusion list on a running Linux instance. You can change the exclusion list and display it in different formats. Changes made with the cio_ignore command do not persist across reboots.

cio_ignore syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramcio_ignore  -a  -r ,<device_bus_id><from_device_bus_id>-<to_device_bus_id> -A -R -l -L -k -u -p -h -v
-a or --add
adds one or more device specifications to the exclusion list.

When you add specifications for a device that is already sensed and analyzed, there is no immediate effect of adding it to the exclusion list. For example, the device still appears in the output of the lscss command and can be set online. However, if the device subsequently becomes unavailable, it is ignored when it reappears. For example, if the device is detached in z/VM®, it is ignored when it is attached again.

See the -p option about how to make devices that are already sensed and analyzed unavailable to Linux.

-r or --remove
removes one or more device specifications from the exclusion list.

When you remove device specifications from the exclusion list, the corresponding devices are sensed and analyzed if they exist. Where possible, the corresponding device driver is informed, and the devices become available to Linux.

identifies a device to be added or removed.

Device bus-IDs are of the form 0.<n>.<devno>, where <n> is a subchannel set ID and <devno> is a device number. If the subchannel set ID is 0, you can abbreviate the specification to the device number, with or without a leading 0x.

Example: The specifications 0.0.0190, 190, 0190, and 0x190 are all equivalent. There is no short form of 0.1.0190.
identifies a range of devices. <from_device_bus_id> and <to_device_bus_id> have the same format as <device_bus_id>.
-A or --add-all
adds the entire range of possible devices to the exclusion list.

When you add specifications for a device that is already sensed and analyzed, there is no immediate effect of adding it to the exclusion list. For example, the device still appears in the output of the lscss command and can be set online. However, if the device subsequently becomes unavailable, it is ignored when it reappears. For example, if the device is detached in z/VM, it is ignored when it is attached again.

See the -p option about making devices that are already sensed and analyzed unavailable to Linux.

-R or --remove-all
removes all devices from the exclusion list.

When you remove device specifications from the exclusion list, the corresponding devices are sensed and analyzed if they exist. Where possible, the corresponding device driver is informed, and the devices become available to Linux.

-l or --list
displays the current exclusion list.
-L or --list-not-blacklisted
displays specifications for all devices that are not in the current exclusion list.
-k or --kernel-param
returns the current exclusion list in kernel parameter format.

You can make the current exclusion list persistent across rebooting Linux by using the output of the cio_ignore command with the -k option as part of the Linux kernel parameter. See Kernel and module parameters.

-u or --unused
discards the current exclusion list and replaces it with a specification for all devices that are not online. This includes specification for possible devices that do not actually exist.
-p or --purge
makes all devices that are in the exclusion list and that are currently offline unavailable to Linux. This option does not make devices unavailable if they are online.
-h or --help
displays help information for the command. To view the man page, enter man cio_ignore.
-v or --version
displays version information.


These examples illustrate common uses for cio_ignore.

  • The following command shows the current exclusion list:
    # cio_ignore -l
    Ignored devices:
  • The following command shows specifications for the devices that are not on the exclusion list:
    # cio_ignore -L
    Accessible devices:
  • The following command adds a device specification, 0.0.7e8f, to the exclusion list:
    # cio_ignore -a 0.0.7e8f
    The previous example then becomes:
    # cio_ignore -L
    Accessible devices:
  • The following command shows the current exclusion list in kernel parameter format:
    # cio_ignore -k