Installing the disconnected VM Manager Tool

9.2.20 Available from 9.2.20.

To install the disconnected VM Manager Tool, copy the VM Manager Tool installer to the desired computer and run the installation.

Before you begin

To install the VM Manager Tool, you must have the following privileges.
  • Linux root
  • Windows User with administrative privileges

About this task

This procedure describes how to install the disconnected VM Manager Tool. If you want to manage the VM Manager Tool from the BigFix console, see: Installing an additional VM Manager Tool from the BigFix console.


  1. Download the VM Manager Tool installer package in one of the following ways.
    • 9.2.33 Download the VM Manager Tool installer package from the Scanning Tools panel.
      1. Log in to License Metric Tool and go to Management > Scanning Tools.
      2. In the VM Manager Tools section, click the link that is specific for the operating system on which you want to install the VM Manager Tool.
    • Log in to the computer on which the License Metric Tool server is installed and go to the vm-manager-tools folder that is located in the server installation directory. By default, the folder is in the following location.
      • Linux /opt/ibm/LMT/vm-manager-tools
      • Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\LMT\vm-manager-tools
  2. Copy the VM Manager Tool installer to the computer on which you want to install the tool. Names of VM Manager Tool packages use the following naming convention.
    • Linux
    • Windows
  3. Unpack the installer in the directory in which you want to install the VM Manager Tool.
  4. To install the VM Manager Tool, open the command line, go to the directory in which you unpacked the installer, and run the following command.
    • Linux ./ -install
    • Windows vmman.bat -install


You installed an additional instance of the VM Manager Tool. Use its command-line interface to manage VM manager connections.

What to do next

Configure connections to VM managers. Then, start the VM Manager Tool.