Disaster recovery

Ensure that you regularly back up the components that are specific to your deployment type, so that you can perform disaster recovery when needed.

Important: Backups of the database are crucial for performing disaster recovery. They should be scheduled to run regularly and before every upgrade of License Metric Tool. Backups of the License Metric Tool server are of less importance. However, they make restoring the environment easier.

Disaster recovery for License Metric Tool with disconnected scanners

Table 1. Components to back up
Component Comment
License Metric Tool database
The License Metric Tool data is stored in the database. For more information, see the following links:
License Metric Tool server
The following custom settings are saved in the License Metric Tool server:
  • SSO configuration
  • Modifications to truststores and keystores (for example, added trusted certificates)
  • Custom settings on the Advanced Sever Settings panel
  • Log settings
If you do not customize any of these items, you do not need to back up the License Metric Tool server. Otherwise, back up the following directories:
  • Installation registry
    • Linux /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml

      This file is hidden. To view it, run the ls -la command. If you installed the server as a non-root user, the registry is in $HOME/.com.zerog.registry.xml.

    • Windows C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml

      This file is hidden. To view it, change the Folder Options in Control Panel to display hidden files, or type the complete path in the address bar of any open window.

  • Installation directory
    • Linux /opt/ibm/LMT
    • Windows C:\Program Files\ibm\LMT
Recovering only the database
To recover the database only, see the following links:
Recovering the License Metric Tool server
To recover the server, perform the following steps:
  • If you have a backup of the server, restore the backed up files to their original locations.
  • If you do not have a backup of the server, perform the following steps:
    1. Install the License Metric Tool server.
      • Linux Regular installation of the License Metric Tool server on Linux is performed by using the All-in-One installer. In this scenario, use the stand-alone installer for the License Metric Tool server on Linux: ILMT_Server_Lnx-x86-64_V9238.tar.gz. The package is available on Passport Advantage.
      • Windows Installing the server on Windows (disconnected scenario)
    2. Perform the initial configuration and point to the existing database instance. For more information, see step 1 from the following links:

Disaster recovery for License Metric Tool with BigFix

Table 2. Components to back up
Component Comment
License Metric Tool database
The License Metric Tool data is stored in the database. For more information, see the following links:
BigFix server For more information, see: Running backup and restore of the BigFix server.
License Metric Tool server
The following custom settings are saved in the License Metric Tool server:
  • SSO configuration
  • Modifications to truststores and keystores (for example, added trusted certificates)
  • Custom settings on the Advanced Sever Settings panel
  • Log settings
If you do not customize any of these items, you do not need to back up the License Metric Tool server. Otherwise, back up the following directories:
  • Installation registry
    • Linux /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml

      This file is hidden. To view it, run the ls -la command. If you installed the server as a non-root user, the registry is in $HOME/.com.zerog.registry.xml.

    • Windows C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml

      This file is hidden. To view it, change the Folder Options in Control Panel to display hidden files, or type the complete path in the address bar of any open window.

  • Installation directory
    • Linux /opt/ibm/LMT
    • Windows C:\Program Files\ibm\LMT
Recovering BigFix

To recover the BigFix server, see: Running backup and restore of the BigFix server.

Recovering only the database
To recover the database only, see the following links:
Recovering the License Metric Tool server
To recover the server, perform the following steps: