Example of the scan schedule (BigFix scenario)

For environments larger than 35 000 endpoints, divide computers into separate scan groups and set a different scan schedule for every group. Well-balanced scan configuration improves performance of License Metric Tool.


In an environment with 60 000 endpoints, create six scan groups, each group consisting of 10 000 endpoints. Schedule scans to run on Mondays in the first group, on Tuesdays in the second group and so on. This configuration has the following benefits.
  • Each endpoint is scanned once a week.
  • The BigFix server receives data only from 1/6 of the environment every day.
  • The License Metric Tool server needs to process data only from 10 000 endpoints during the daily import instead of 60 000. It shortens the import time.
Figure 1 presents a scan schedule for an infrastructure that is divided into six scan groups. The assumption is that both software scans and imports of scan data to License Metric Tool are scheduled to take place at night, while uploads of scan data from the endpoints to the BigFix server occur during the day.
Figure 1. Example of scan schedule configuration
Example of scan schedule configuration

If the License Metric Tool server is installed on a powerful computer and longer import time is acceptable, you can create fewer scan groups with greater number of endpoints. Remember to monitor the import log to analyze the amount of data that is processed and the time it takes to process it.