Integrating with IBM Software Central and Red Hat Marketplace

9.2.23 Available from 9.2.23.

You can integrate License Metric Tool with IBM® Software Central and Red Hat® Marketplace to view consolidated license information and thus make well-informed purchases, renewals and trade-ups in the future. After you configure the integration, license usage data is uploaded to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace on demand. Because no data is sent automatically, you always have control over what data is uploaded and when. The integration requires that the License Metric Tool server either has a direct Internet connectivity to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace, or can connect to the portal through a proxy server.

For more information about Red Hat Marketplace, see the Red Hat Marketplace website. For more information about the Red Hat Marketplace Metering API that License Metric Tool uses to upload the license usage data, see: API reference in Red Hat documentation.