VM manager configuration parameters

In advanced VM management, a connection to the VM manager is created based on the information that you provide in the configuration files. Apart from specifying mandatory parameters, such as the web address, virtualization type, user name, and password, you can also use additional ones. For example, you can set the number of login attempts, or allow Hyper-V to share credentials with hosts in the same cluster.

Important: The following parameters are used to configure the distributed or disconnected VM Manager Tool. To configure the local or central VM Manager Tool, change the parameters through the License Metric Tool user interface. Only the vmm_rmi_ssl_port and vmm_rmi_protocol parameters should be changed in the configuration file for local and central VM Manager Tool. For more information, see: Advanced configuration of basic VM management.
Table 1. VM manager configuration parameters
Parameter Unit Default Minimum Maximum
vmm_url Web address (URL)      

Specifies the web address of the VM manager. You can provide either a full URL, a partial URL, or only a host name or IP address. In the second case, the full address of the VM manager is built based on the selected type of the VM manager and protocol (if specified). HTTPS protocol is used by default.

If you specify only the address, the following defaults are used.
  • 9.2.37 Red Hat OpenShift: https://{manager-address}:6443
  • 9.2.12 Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer): https://{manager-address}
  • Hyper-V or Azure Stack HCI: https://{manager-address}:5986/wsman

    In case of Azure Stack HCI, provide a connection to a host in the cluster. Then, share credentials to connect to other hosts. If it is not possible, configure a connection to each host in the cluster separately.

  • 9.2.17 Nutanix: https://{manager-address}:9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0
  • 9.2.25 Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: https://{manager-address}/ovirt-engine/api
  • RHV-M: https://{manager-address}/ovirt-engine/api
  • vCenter: https://{manager-address}/sdk/vimService.wsdl
If you do not specify the complete URL but only a protocol, a port, or a context path, the URL is built based on the following defaults.
  • 9.2.12 Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer)
    • Default protocol https, port 443 (for https) or 80 (for http), context path - <empty>
  • Hyper-V
    • Default protocol https, port 443 (for https) or 80 (for http), context path - wsman
  • 9.2.17 Nutanix
    • Default protocol https, port 9440 (for https) or 80 (for http), context path - /PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0
  • RHV-M
    • Default protocol https, port 8443 (for https) or 8080 (for http), context path - api
  • vCenter
    • Default protocol https, port 443 (for https) or 80 (for http), context path - sdk

If the URL contains the name of the VM manager, the name is resolved to an IP address. However, the full URL, including a port number, is used by the server to identify the VM manager.

Each VM manager must have a different web address, that is, only one entry is allowed for a particular URL. If two or more configuration files duplicate the URL address, only the first file is treated as valid. The remaining files are ignored.

vmm_type Characters      
Specifies the type of VM manager. The possible values are:
    Note: Choose KVM_RHV_M for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.
  • 9.2.17 NUTANIX
  • 9.2.12 XEN_MANAGER
vmm_communication_interface Characters POWERSHELL    
Specifies the communication interface that is used for communication with Microsoft Hyper-V. This option is supported only when the VM Manager Tool is installed on Windows. On Linux, the value of this parameter is ignored and the NTLM communication is always used. The possible values are:
  • NTLM
vmm_login Characters      
Specifies the user name that is used to access the VM manager.
Important: 9.2.37 For Red Hat OpenShift, leave the vmm_login blank.
Important: For Microsoft Hyper-V, you must use the Administrator account.
vmm_password Characters      
Specifies the password that is used to access the VM manager. A password that is entered in plain text is immediately encrypted and saved while the configuration files are loaded.
Important: 9.2.37 For Red Hat OpenShift, use the ServiceAccount token as a password.
Important: For Microsoft Hyper-V, you must use the Administrator account.
vmm_communication_locked True/false False    
Indicates whether the connection to the VM manager is locked. The possible values are:
Disables the connection to the VM manager but keeps the configuration file. If the number of failed logging attempts that is specified in the vmm_max_subsequent_login_failures parameter is exceeded, the value of the vmm_communication_locked parameter is automatically set to true.
Unlocks communication with the VM manager and resets the count of the subsequent failed logging attempts.
vmm_get_cluster_info_with_shared_credentials True/false False    
Indicates whether the same credentials can be used to connect to every host in the same cluster. You can use this parameter only for Microsoft Hyper-V. The possible values are:
Uses the same credentials to get information about all other hosts in the same cluster.
Set when credentials for every host in the cluster are different. Each host in the same Hyper-V cluster requires a separate configuration file.