Step 5: Configuring a virtual junction

A virtual host junction is a mount point for specific content that is located on the WebSEAL server.

Before you begin

Ensure that the HTTPS port of the reverse proxy in IBM Security Access Manager for web is set to 9081, which is the port number used by License Metric Tool server. If the port is not set to this value, REST API might not work. To configure this port for the proxy server:
  1. In the IBM Security Access Manager user interface, click Secure Web Settings and then, under Manage click Reverse Proxy.
  2. Select the default proxy and click Edit.
  3. In the Reverse Proxy Basic Configuration - default window, on the Server tab, provide 9081 as the value of the HTTPS Port and click Save.


  1. Log on to IBM® Security Access Manager.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Secure Web Settings > Manage > Reverse Proxy.
    IBM Security Access Manager
  3. Select the instance and then, from the drop-down list on the right of the Reverse Proxy bar, select Manage > Junction Management. A new pane opens.
    Junction Management
  4. From the drop-down list in the upper-left corner of the pane, click New > Virtual Junction.
    Virtual Junction
  5. On the new pane, specify the junction label, Virtual Host, Virtual Host Port, and SSL as the Junction Type, and click Save.
  6. Configure a backend server for this junction: Click the Servers tab and then click New.
    Servers tab
  7. Specify the IP address or host name of the License Metric Tool server and click Save.
    Adding TCP or SSL Servers
  8. Click the Identity tab and select all the items under HTTP Header Identity Information.
    Identity tab
  9. Click the SSO and LTPA tab and select the following entries.
    • Enable LTPA cookie support
    • Use Version 2 Cookies
    From the LTPA Keyfile drop-down list, select the file that you into IBM Security Access Manager and in the next field provide the LTPA keyfile password.
    SSO and LTPA tab
  10. Click the General tab and leave all the default configuration unchanged.
    General tab
  11. Click Save to save the configuration and exit the wizard.
  12. Click Cancel to exit the Junction Management - default pane.
    Junction Management - default