Downloading the All-in-One installer on Linux (disconnected scenario)

To obtain the License Metric Tool All-in-One installer for Linux, log in to Passport Advantage and download the server installation package.

Before you begin

Because the All-in-One installer contains DB2 11.5.9, it runs only on the following operating systems:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 or a higher 7.x version
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 or a higher 8.x version
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 or a higher 9.x version


  1. Order License Metric Tool from Passport Advantage. For detailed steps, see the presentation on the Passport Advantage website: How to order LMT.
    • In case of questions or problems with ordering or downloading License Metric Tool, contact the Passport Advantage support. Do not open a case for the License Metric Tool Support.
    • If you are a Federal or Government Client, contact your IBM Sales representative to obtain information on how to order License Metric Tool.
  2. Download the server installation package.
    Image Description Part number
    ILMT_AIO_Lnx-x86-64_V9238.tar.gz IBM® License Metric Tool All-In-One Installer V9.2.38 for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® x86-64 Multilingual M0PCFML

What to do next

Install the License Metric Tool server and DB2 in interactive or silent mode.