Mixed installation: BigFix and disconnected scanners (Lite or Ansible)
You can have a mixed License Metric Tool infrastructure in which some endpoints are monitored by BigFix clients and other endpoints are monitored by disconnected scanners. Both types of endpoints can report to a single License Metric Tool server. Such a setup might be used, for example, due to different security rules that govern different sets of endpoints or due to the networking topology.
If you decide to set up the mixed infrastructure, you can do this at any point of time. If you start by installing License Metric Tool with BigFix, you can add endpoints that are monitored by disconnected scanners later on. Analogically, if you start by installing License Metric Tool Lite or with Ansible, you can add endpoints that are monitored by BigFix clients later on.
Hardware requirements
- Endpoints with the BigFix client are assigned the weight of 1.
- Endpoints with the disconnected scanner are assigned the weight of 2.
Installing the mixed infrastructure from scratch
- Install the License Metric Tool server, its database, and the BigFix platform. For more information, see: Installing and configuring the server (BigFix scenario).
- Install the BigFix client on every computer from which you want to collect and transfer data by using this method. For more information, see: Installing the BigFix clients (BigFix scenario).
- Add a disconnected data source. For more information, see: Adding a data source.
- Set up collection of software and capacity data from the monitored computers. Steps that you
need to perform depend on whether the computer is monitored by the BigFix client or the disconnected scanner.
- BigFix
If you completed the All-in-One installation or enabled the default scan schedule, basic software and capacity data is collected automatically. In other cases, you need to manually set up software and capacity scans. Depending on your infrastructure, you might also want to perform advanced configuration of scans, for example set up scanning of shared disks or Docker containers. For more information, see: Setting up data collection (BigFix scenario).
- Disconnected scannerYou can choose between two approaches to transferring scan results from the monitored computers to the License Metric Tool server.
- Transferring scan result by using an automation technology of your choice (so-called License Metric Tool Lite). For more information, see: Installing and configuring disconnected scanners for Lite.
- Transferring scan results by using Ansible and playbooks that are delivered with License Metric Tool. For more information, see: Installing and configuring disconnected scanners with Ansible (Ansible scenario).
- BigFix
Adding disconnected scanners (Lite or Ansible) to License Metric Tool with BigFix
- Add a disconnected data source. For more information, see: Adding a data source.
- Set up collection of software and capacity data from computers with disconnected scanners. You
can choose between two approaches to transferring scan results from the monitored computers to the
License Metric Tool server.
- Transferring scan result by using an automation technology of your choice (so-called License Metric Tool Lite). For more information, see: Installing and configuring disconnected scanners for Lite.
- Transferring scan results by using Ansible and playbooks that are delivered with License Metric Tool. For more information, see: Installing and configuring disconnected scanners with Ansible (Ansible scenario).
Adding BigFix to License Metric Tool Lite or with Ansible
- Install the BigFix platform. For more information, see the following links:
- Add the BigFix server as a data source. For more information, see: Adding a data source.
- Install the BigFix client on every computer from which you want to collect and transfer data by using this method. For more information, see: Installing the BigFix clients (BigFix scenario).
- Set up collection of software and capacity data from computers with the BigFix client. If you enabled the default scan schedule, basic software and capacity data is collected automatically. In other cases, you need to manually set up software and capacity scans. Depending on your infrastructure, you might also want to perform advanced configuration of scans, for example set up scanning of shared disks or Docker containers. For more information, see: Setting up data collection (BigFix scenario).