Obtaining the list of virtual machine UUIDs

You can use the list of virtual machines UUIDs that are currently connected to the License Metric Tool server to select those for whom the capacity data is to be collected.

About this task

You can find all of the virtual machines UUIDs that are currently connected to the License Metric Tool server in one of the License Metric Tool reports. You can extract the complete list of UUIDs and then remove the chosen UUIDs to omit certain virtual machines.


  1. In the top navigation bar, click Reports > Hardware Inventory.
  2. To customize the report view, hover over Configure, and click Configure View. Select only Partition ID column for display. Specify the report filter to display only rows which Computer Type equals Virtual. You can further narrow down the report, for example to display only rows which Processor Brand String contains Intel or AMD. Click Submit.
  3. To export the report to a file, hover over Export, and click CSV.
    Note: You can remove the header from the uuids.csv file.


The list is now stored in the uuids.csv file.

What to do next

Remove the unnecessary UUIDs from the uuids.csv file and copy the remaining UUIDs to the vmmfilterconf.properties file.