Step 2c: Basic mode - Scanning remote shared disks (BigFix® scenario)
To discover software that is installed on shared disks in your infrastructure, run the software scan with the Scan remote shared disks option enabled.
Before you begin
- This method of scanning is advised for environments in which a single shared disk is mounted on one or only few computers. For information, see: Discovering software on shared disks (BigFix scenario).
- If more computers are configured to scan a shared disk, performance of the disk might decrease drastically and the scanning might take a long time. It is recommended to schedule the clients to scan the shared disk at different times, for example to spread the scanning across many days of the week.
- If the shared disks to be scanned are large, scan timeout problems might occur.
Information about shared disks and the installed software is available on the following reports:
- Computers report (when you access it from the widget on the home page) contains information about the type of file system, shared disk IP address, and mount point
- Software Classification report contains information about the installation path