Setting the end of support date for software components

9.2.11 Available from 9.2.11.

You use the POST operation on the sam/component_lifecycles element to set the end of support date for software components. The end of support date is added on the Products &Metrics report. If you want to change the end of support date, you must first delete the current date and then set a new one by using this API.


User You must be an Administrator or have the Manage Catalogs permission to use this API.

Resource URL

Note: The URL is going to change in the future. If you are going to use it for integration, check for updates in future releases.

Resource information

Table 1. Resource information
Operation details Description
HTTP method POST
Request headers
Accept-Language (optional)
  • Use: Used to negotiate the language of the response. If this header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.
  • Values: en-US (only English is supported)
  • Use: Used to authenticate REST API requests. The header is required when you set the value of the api_token_in_url_enabled parameter to false. Otherwise, you can specify the token in the request header or in the URL. For more information, see: Authenticating REST API requests.
  • Values: an alphanumeric string that is generated in License Metric Tool
Request format application/json
Request payload { "component_lifecycle": { "eos_date": "YYYY-MM-DD", "software_component_id": "software_component_id"} }
Response headers
  • Use: Specifies the content type of the response.
  • Values: application/json
  • Use: Specifies the language of the response content. If this header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.
  • Values: en-US, …
Response format application/json
Response codes

200 – OK

422 – “Unprocessable entity” if a parameter contains errors or is missing

Example conversation - setting end of support date for a software component

  1. To retrieve information about the software component ID for which you want to set the end of support date, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to License Metric Tool.
    2. Go to Reports > Software Components.
    3. Hover over the component name and check the URL address at the bottom of the page. The software component ID is a number at the end of the URL. For example: sam/catalog/software_components/10379
  2. To set the end of support date, use the following POST request.
    POST https://hostname:port/sam/component_lifecycles
    Request header
    Accept: application/json 
    Accept-Language: en-US
    Token: <token>
    Request body
    { "component_lifecycle": 
    "eos_date": "2020-12-22", 
    "software_component_id": "10379"}
    Response header
    200 - OK
    Response body
      "created_at": "2018-01-26T10:30:06Z",
      "detailed_version": null,
      "eos_date": "2020-12-23",
      "id": 2,
      "is_release": true,
      "software_component_id": 10379,
      "source_id": 1,
      "source_type": 0,
      "updated_at": "2018-01-26T10:30:06Z"