Setting the end of support date for software components
Available from 9.2.11.
You use the POST
operation on the sam/component_lifecycles
element to set the end of support date
for software components. The end of support date is added on the Products &Metrics report. If
you want to change the end of support date, you must first delete the current date and then set a
new one by using this API.
You must be an Administrator or have the Manage Catalogs permission to use this API.
Resource URL
Note: The URL is going to change in the future. If you are going to use it for integration, check
for updates in future releases.
Resource information
Operation details | Description |
HTTP method | POST |
Request headers |
Request format | application/json |
Request payload | { "component_lifecycle": { "eos_date":
"YYYY-MM-DD", "software_component_id":
"software_component_id"} } |
Response headers |
Response format | application/json |
Response codes |
Example conversation - setting end of support date for a software component
- To retrieve information about the software component ID for which you want to set the end of
support date, perform the following steps:
- Log in to License Metric Tool.
- Go to .
- Hover over the component name and check the URL address at the bottom of the page. The software
component ID is a number at the end of the URL. For example:
- To set the end of support date, use the following
request.- Request
POST https://hostname:port/sam/component_lifecycles
- Request header
Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en-US Token: <token>
- Request body
{ "component_lifecycle": { "eos_date": "2020-12-22", "software_component_id": "10379"} }
- Response header
200 - OK
- Response body
{ "created_at": "2018-01-26T10:30:06Z", "detailed_version": null, "eos_date": "2020-12-23", "id": 2, "is_release": true, "software_component_id": 10379, "source_id": 1, "source_type": 0, "updated_at": "2018-01-26T10:30:06Z" }