Server log file

The server log file tema.log is in the installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/logs/ directory. The log file saves actions that are related to the License Metric Tool server and is the primary source of information for troubleshooting purposes. Each action in the log file is reported in the UTC time zone. However, the file also shows information about the local time zone of the License Metric Tool server.

Note: The server log directory also contains the production.log file. It is an additional log that contains messages related to the database server and can be used to investigate database-related problems. Most of the information that is written in this log is also available in the tema.log.

Changing settings of the server log file

Logging properties are set in the server.xml file that is located in the following directory.
  • Linux installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1
  • Windows icon installation_directory\wlp\usr\servers\server1
You can change the following settings.
The server log file name. The default name is tema.log.
Location of the server log file. By default, the log file is in the following directory.
  • Linux installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/logs
  • Windows icon installation_directory\wlp\usr\servers\server1\logs
The maximum size (in MB) that a log file can reach before it is rolled over. To disable this attribute, set the value to 0. The default value is 10.
If an enforced maximum file size exists, this setting is used to determine the maximum number of iterations of the server log file. If the log file reaches the maximum size that is defined in the maxFileSize parameter, the remaining messages roll over to another iteration of the file.

Log levels

The log level controls which events are recorded in the server log file. The default level is INFO. The following is a list of the possible log levels.
Table 1. Log levels
Application update 9.2.20 and older Application update 9.2.21 and higher
Task cannot continue and component, application, and server cannot function.
Error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
Potential error or impending error. This level can also indicate a progressive failure.
General information that outlines the overall task progress.
Fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
General information that outlines the overall task progress.
Fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.

Changing the log level

To change the log level, perform the following steps.
  • For application update 9.2.21 and higher, perform the following steps.
    1. Stop the License Metric Tool server.
    2. To change the log level to DEBUG, edit the jvm.options file.
      1. Open the jvm.options file that is in the following directory.
        • Linux installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/jvm.options
        • Windows icon installation_directory\wlp\usr\servers\server1\jvm.options
      2. Add the following line and save the file.
        Note: To change the log level from DEBUG to INFO, change the value of the parameter to false, and restart the License Metric Tool server.
    3. Start the License Metric Tool server.
  • For application updates 9.2.20 and older, perform the following steps.
    1. Stop the License Metric Tool server.
    2. Open the file that is in the following directory.
      • Linux installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/config
      • Windows icon installation_directory\wlp\usr\servers\server1\config
    3. Specify the log level in the following line.
      log4j.rootCategory=WARN, S
    4. Optional: To change the log level to DEBUG, edit also the jvm.options file.
      1. Open the jvm.options file that is in the following directory.
        • Linux installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/jvm.options
        • Windows icon installation_directory\wlp\usr\servers\server1\jvm.options
      2. Add the following line and save the file.
        Note: To change the log level from DEBUG to any other level, change the value of the parameter to false, and restart the License Metric Tool server.
    5. Start the License Metric Tool server.

Time zone

The time of all actions that are saved in the log file is specified in the UTC time zone. You can compare these actions to the local time zone of your server to learn when exactly a particular action occurred. Information about your server time zone is written at the beginning of the log file and is repeated every 1000 entries. The following examples are excerpts from the log file.
  • Linux[INFO]: Local Server Time Zone is +0200 Europe/Warsaw
  • Windows[INFO]: Local Server Time Zone is CurrentTimeZone=-300 (UTC-06:00) DaylightBias=-60