Assigning products to FlexPoint bundles (deprecated)
Available from 9.2.13.
When you purchase a product as part of a
FlexPoint bundle, assign instances of this product to that bundle for improved tracking and to
calculate utilization of FlexPoints.
Before you begin

Starting from
application update 9.2.30, this method of assigning products to FlexPoint bundles is deprecated. A
simpler method is introduced instead. For more information, see: Assigning components to products and Cloud Paks.

About this task
To properly classify the installed software, start by assigning the discovered components to
products in accordance with your license agreement. In this example, the discovered components are
assigned as follows.
- Component 1 and Component 2 installed on Computer 1 are assigned to Product 1.
- Component 3 installed on Computer 2 is assigned to the first instance of Product 2.
- Component 3 installed on Computer 3 is assigned to the second instance of Product 2.

If a component is assigned to a product that is a part of a FlexPoint bundle, and you reassign
such a component, the component instance is no longer assigned to any FlexPoint bundle. In this
example, Component 3 that is installed on Computer 2 is reassigned from the first instance of
Product 2 to Product 3. As a result, the reassigned component is no longer a part of any FlexPoint
bundle. The same applies to a situation in which you suppress a component that is assigned to a
product that is a part of a FlexPoint bundle.