REST API resources and HTTP methods

The operations of the IBM License Metric Tool REST API protocol are defined as HTTP methods on certain REST resources.

Table 1. Overview of REST operations
Target REST operation URI HTTP methods Purpose of the operation
api/get_token POST Returns a unique token that is required to authenticate REST API requests.
api/import_status.json GET Returns the current status of the data import.
api/reports POST Imports a saved report view.
api/reports/report_ID GET Exports a saved report view.
api/sam/about GET Returns the version of License Metric Tool.
api/sam/clusters GET Returns information about clusters that group your host computer systems.
9.2.11 api/sam/component_lifecycles POST Sets the end of support date for software components.
api/sam/computer_systems GET Returns a list of computer systems in your infrastructure.
api/sam/configs GET Returns information about the current settings of the administration server.
PUT Changes the current settings of the administration server.
api/sam/license_usages GET Returns information about license usage reported by your computer systems.
9.2.11 api/sam/software_components/software_component_id/component_lifecycles DELETE Removes the end of support date for a software component.
api/sam/software_instances GET Returns a list of installed software instances.
api/sam/swinventory/confirm POST Confirms instances to bundle or assign.
api/sam/swinventory/confirmRelease POST Confirms the assignment of instances for a release.
api/sam/swinventory/exclude POST Excludes instances from pricing calculations.
api/sam/swinventory/include POST Includes instances in pricing calculations.
api/sam/swinventory/instanceToShare GET Returns a list of software releases that can share a particular instance.
api/sam/swinventory/product/{product_id}/releases GET Returns a list of releases of a particular software product that is identified by its identifier.
api/sam/swinventory/products GET Returns a list of software products.
api/sam/swinventory/reassign POST Reassigns instances to a product.
api/sam/swinventory/reassignRelease POST Reassigns instances to a product for a list of releases.
api/sam/swinventory/release/{release_id}/instances GET Returns a list of instances for the requested software product release.
api/sam/swinventory/share POST Shares an instance with a list of software products.
api/sam/swinventory/targetBundlesOfInstances GET Returns a list of possible releases to which the requested software instance can be reassigned.
api/sam/swinventory/targetBundlesOfReleases GET Returns a list of possible releases to which the instances of the requested software releases can be reassigned.
api/sam/swinventory/targetInstances GET Returns a list of target instances that will be reassigned to a particular release.
9.2.8 api/sam/v2/computers GET Returns information about hardware inventory in your infrastructure.
9.2.10 api/sam/v2/license_usage GET Returns information about utilization of license metrics by products that are installed in your infrastructure.
PUT Sets up license metric thresholds as well as values of custom fields that were added on the All Metrics report.
9.2.24 api/sam/v2/license_usage_per_server GET Retrieves information about utilization of license metrics per server on a specific day.
9.2.12 api/sam/v2/shared_disks GET Retrieves information about shared disks that are used in your infrastructure.
9.2.14 api/sam/v2/software_components GET Retrieves information about software components in your catalog.
9.2.8 api/sam/v2/software_instances GET Returns information about software inventory in your infrastructure.
9.2.14 api/sam/v2/tags/software_components POST Adds tags for software components.
DELETE Removes tags previously added for software components.
api/sam/vmmanagers GET Returns information about VM managers that are defined in your infrastructure.
PUT Adds or updates VM managers.