Working with widgets
consolecli commands for working with widgets.
The consolecli commands are entered
in the DASH_HOME/bin.
- ListWidgetEntitiesForRole --roleName role_name]
- List the widgets entities associated with a specified role.
- MapWidgetEntitiesToRole --username console_username --password console_user_password --roleName role_name --widgetEntityList widgetEntity_unique_name1, widgetEntity_unique_name2 --accessLevelList level1, level2
- Associate a comma separated list of widgets with a particular role and set the access level for the role for each widget.
- RemoveWidgetEntitiesFromRole --username console_username --password console_user_password --roleName role_name --widgetEntityList widgetEntity_unique_name1, widgetEntity_unique_name2
- Disassociate a comma separated list of widgets with from particular role.