Configuring z/OS Spark client authentication

Complete the following tasks to enable authentication for connections to the Spark master port.

z/OS® Spark client authentication is enabled by default. Spark does not function properly until you complete the setup for client authentication or disable the client authentication function.

The z/OS UNIX System Services APAR OA57666 is required for z/OS Spark client authentication to work properly.

If you want to defer the use of client authentication (for instance, for early testing in a secure test environment), you can disable this function by setting the following property in the spark-defaults.conf file.
spark.zos.master.authenticate       false
Note: If client authentication is disabled and you start your Spark cluster and driver under different user IDs, then some functions, such as the spark-sql command line interface, might not work properly. This is because the directories that are created by the Spark cluster might not be permissible to the Spark driver.
If client authentication is enabled, you can specify one of the following client authentication methods:
Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS)
This is the default Spark client authentication method that uses digital certificates along with AT-TLS. You need to set up digital certificates for the Spark cluster and its users, as well as an AT-TLS policy.
Trusted Partner
If all connections to the master port are internal, then you can consider using the Trusted Partner client authentication method, which doesn't require client certificates. However, this method continues to use AT-TLS for server authentication. A connection is internal if both endpoints belong in the same sysplex, the data flowing through the connection is never exposed outside of the sysplex, and the link or interface that is used is one of the following types:
  • CTC
  • HiperSockets interface (iQDIO)
  • MPCPTP (including XCF and IUTSAMEH)
  • OSA-Express QDIO with CHPID type OSX or OSM
  • Loopback
  • Both connection partners are owned by the same multihomed stack

Trusted Partner requires additional security configuration for the cluster and its users.

For more information about internal connections, see Sysplex-specific connection routing information in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference.

You can specify the wanted authentication method (ATTLS or TrustedPartner) in the spark-defaults.conf file. For example:
spark.zos.master.authenticate.method       ATTLS
The APAR PI89136 is required to use Trusted Partner client authentication method.
Note: The workers must have the same spark.zos.master.authenticate and spark.zos.master.authenticate.method options as the master in order for the worker to register.
Note: APAR PH01619 adds a restriction of registering workers with the master. In order to register workers with masters, they must contain the same authentication configurations, spark.zos.master.authenticate and spark.zos.master.authenticate.method; otherwise, they will be rejected with one of the following messages (and it will appear in the worker log):
  • Master's client authentication does not match Worker's
  • Master's client authentication method does not match Worker's

About Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS)

AT-TLS is a z/OS Communications Server feature that transparently implements the TLS protocol in the TCP layer of the stack. As defined by the TLS protocol, AT-TLS uses digital certificates to authenticate the server and optionally the client, and encrypts the data that is flowing between the server and the client.

During client authentication, the Spark master acts as a server and accepts connections from the Spark worker and Spark users, which act as clients. Once the Spark master validates the client’s digital certificate, a secure connection will be established and all subsequent data-flow between the server and the client will be encrypted.

For more information about AT-TLS, see Application Transparent Transport Layer Security data protection in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.

Using AT-TLS as the client authentication method

You can use AT-TLS with level 2 client authentication to secure communications between the Spark master and its clients. Specifically, you can create digital certificates for end users and use the certificates to authenticate those users when they connect to the Spark master port. Each of the certificates must map to a valid z/OS user ID, as required by level 2 client authentication. When a client attempts to connect to the Spark master port, the Spark master daemon queries AT-TLS to ensure that the following conditions exist:
  • Communication between the client and the server is encrypted.
  • A trusted relationship is established.
  • A client certificate is matched to a local z/OS user ID.

Using Trusted Partner as the client authentication method

Using AT-TLS as the client authentication method requires a digital certificate for each user that is connecting to the Spark master port. If you know that all connections to the master port are internal, you can consider using the Trusted Partner client authentication method instead, which doesn't require client certificates. However, this method continues to use AT-TLS for server authentication.

Complete the following tasks to configure client authentication for Spark on z/OS.
Note: These tasks show examples using RACF® commands and configurations. If you use a different security product, use the equivalent SAF facilities for that product.
  1. Creating and configuring digital certificates and key rings
  2. Configuring Policy Agent
  3. Defining security authorization for Policy Agent
  4. Creating the Policy Agent configuration files
  5. Configuring PROFILE.TCPIP for AT-TLS
  6. Defining the AT-TLS policy rules
  7. Starting and stopping Policy Agent
  8. Configuring additional authorities and permissions for the Spark cluster
  9. Starting the Spark cluster