WebSphere Extreme Scale Zone Summary workspace
This workspace shows the summary statistics for the monitored Extreme Scale zones. It is available if more than one zone node is configured for an agent node.
This workspace displays data provided by the Extreme Scale Grids attributes,Extreme Scale Map attributes and Extreme Scale Servers attributes.
The predefined workspace
contains the following items:
- Situation Event Console, which shows the event log for all Extreme Scale events on this agent node.
- Transaction Times History graph, which shows the history and real-time value for the average transaction time for every configured zone node.
- Transaction Rates History graph, which shows the history and real-time value for the average transaction rate for every configured zone node.
- Hit Rates History graph, which shows the history and real-time value for the average map hit rate for every configured zone node.
- Available Processors History graph, which shows the history and real-time value for the number of available CPUs in every configured zone node.
- Memory History graph, which shows the history and real-time values for the total used and free JVM heap memory, in megabytes, in every configured zone node.
From all the graphs, you can select the WebSphere XS Zone link to open the WebSphere Extreme Scale Zone workspace for the selected zone.
Accessing the WebSphere Extreme Scale Zone Summary workspace
Under an Agent for WebSphere® Applications node for which two or more Extreme Scale zone nodes are configured, select the WebSphere XS Zone node.