Application Diagnostics Configuration - Basic Tab

The Basic tab contains the following fields:

  • Request Data Monitoring - in this field, specify the monitoring level for requesting data from connected data collectors. The following values can be entered into this field:
    • Disable - request data is not monitored and is not displayed
    • Level 1 - only monitors edge request data, for example, servlets, JSPs, EJBs, SCA requests, and web service requests
    • Level 2 - monitors nested request data in addition to edge request data, for example, JNDI, JMS, JDBC, and JCA requests
    Important: This monitoring level is applied by default to newly discovered applications. However, you can set the monitoring level for any operation separately, using the Set_Application_Monitoring: Set monitoring Take Action command.
  • Request Data Monitoring Method - in this field, specify the monitoring method used by the Monitoring Agent to govern when it uploads request and garbage collection data from connected data collectors. The following values can be entered into this field:
    • On Demand - when the monitoring method is set to On Demand, data is uploaded only when requested by the user. The exception to this is if the cache of data is still current. Whether this data is current is determined by the Request Data On Demand Maximum Sample Age (sec) field in the Collection Advanced tab. With On Demand monitoring, the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal response time is slower because the data is collected as requested. However, the retrieved data is the most current available. CPU and memory usage on the monitored systems is lower for On Demand monitoring.
    • Fixed Interval - when the monitoring method is set to Fixed Interval, the Monitoring Agent will upload sample data from the data collectors at regular fixed intervals, and respond to a user request using the latest cache of sample data gathered at the last interval. With Fixed Interval monitoring, CPU and memory usage can be higher because more data is collected more frequently but Tivoli Enterprise Portal response time is faster as the data is more readily available. Data samples are calculated for the same time interval and as a result are more consistent.
  • Resource Data Monitoring - in this field, specify whether resource data is monitored from connected data collectors. The following values can be entered in this field:
    • Disable - resource data is not collected by the Monitoring Agent and is not displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
    • Enable - resource data is collected by the Monitoring Agent and is displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
  • Resource Data Monitoring Method - in this field, specify the monitoring methodology used by the agent to govern when it uploads resource data from connected data collectors. The following values can be entered into this field
    • On Demand - when the monitoring method is set to On Demand, data is uploaded only when requested by the user. The exception to this is if the cache of data is still current. Whether this data is current is determined by the Resource Data On Demand Maximum Sample Age (sec) field in the Collection Advanced tab. With On Demand monitoring, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal response time is slower as the data is collected as requested. However, the retrieved data is the most current available. CPU and memory usage on the monitored systems is lower for On Demand monitoring.
    • Fixed Interval - when the monitoring method is set to Fixed Interval, the Monitoring Agent will upload sample data from the data collectors at regular fixed intervals, and respond to a user request using the latest cache of sample data gathered at the last interval. With Fixed Interval monitoring, CPU and memory usage can be higher because more data is collected more frequently but Tivoli Enterprise Portal response time is faster as the data is more readily available. Data samples are calculated for the same time interval and as a result are more consistent.
  • Garbage Collection Monitoring - in this field, specify if verbose garbage collection output monitoring is enabled. The following values can be entered in this field:
    • Disable - verbose garbage collection output data is not collected by the Monitoring Agent and is not displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
    • Enable - verbose garbage collection output data is collected by the Monitoring Agent and is displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.